Python/C API

Python/C API可能是被最广泛使用的方法。它不仅简单,而且可以在C代码中操作你的Python对象。





  1. #Though it looks like an ordinary python import, the addList module is implemented in C
  2. import addList
  3. l = [1,2,3,4,5]
  4. print "Sum of List - " + str(l) + " = " + str(addList.add(l))



  1. //Python.h has all the required function definitions to manipulate the Python objects
  2. #include <Python.h>
  3. //This is the function that is called from your python code
  4. static PyObject* addList_add(PyObject* self, PyObject* args){
  5. PyObject * listObj;
  6. //The input arguments come as a tuple, we parse the args to get the various variables
  7. //In this case it's only one list variable, which will now be referenced by listObj
  8. if (! PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O", &listObj ))
  9. return NULL;
  10. //length of the list
  11. long length = PyList_Size(listObj);
  12. //iterate over all the elements
  13. int i, sum =0;
  14. for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  15. //get an element out of the list - the element is also a python objects
  16. PyObject* temp = PyList_GetItem(listObj, i);
  17. //we know that object represents an integer - so convert it into C long
  18. long elem = PyInt_AsLong(temp);
  19. sum += elem;
  20. }
  21. //value returned back to python code - another python object
  22. //build value here converts the C long to a python integer
  23. return Py_BuildValue("i", sum);
  24. }
  25. //This is the docstring that corresponds to our 'add' function.
  26. static char addList_docs[] =
  27. "add( ): add all elements of the list\n";
  28. /* This table contains the relavent info mapping -
  29. <function-name in python module>, <actual-function>,
  30. <type-of-args the function expects>, <docstring associated with the function>
  31. */
  32. static PyMethodDef addList_funcs[] = {
  33. {"add", (PyCFunction)addList_add, METH_VARARGS, addList_docs},
  34. {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
  35. };
  36. /*
  37. addList is the module name, and this is the initialization block of the module.
  38. <desired module name>, <the-info-table>, <module's-docstring>
  39. */
  40. PyMODINIT_FUNC initaddList(void){
  41. Py_InitModule3("addList", addList_funcs,
  42. "Add all ze lists");
  43. }


  • Python.h头文件中包含了所有需要的类型(Python对象类型的表示)和函数定义(对Python对象的操作)
  • 接下来我们编写将要在Python调用的函数, 函数传统的命名方式由{模块名}_{函数名}组成,所以我们将其命名为addList_add
  • 然后填写想在模块内实现函数的相关信息表,每行一个函数,以空行作为结束
  • 最后的模块初始化块签名为PyMODINIT_FUNC init{模块名}

函数addList_add接受的参数类型为PyObject类型结构(同时也表示为元组类型,因为Python中万物皆为对象,所以我们先用PyObject来定义)。传入的参数则通过PyArg_ParseTuple()来解析。第一个参数是被解析的参数变量。第二个参数是一个字符串,告诉我们如何去解析元组中每一个元素。字符串的第n个字母正是代表着元组中第n个参数的类型。例如,”i”代表整形,”s”代表字符串类型, “O”则代表一个Python对象。接下来的参数都是你想要通过PyArg_ParseTuple()函数解析并保存的元素。这样参数的数量和模块中函数期待得到的参数数量就可以保持一致,并保证了位置的完整性。例如,我们想传入一个字符串,一个整数和一个Python列表,可以这样去写

  1. int n;
  2. char *s;
  3. PyObject* list;
  4. PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "siO", &n, &s, &list);


现在我们通过循环列表,使用PyList_GetItem(list, index)函数来获取每个元素。这将返回一个PyObject*对象。既然Python对象也能表示PyIntType,我们只要使用PyInt_AsLong(PyObj *)函数便可获得我们所需要的值。我们对每个元素都这样处理,最后再得到它们的总和。



  1. #build the modules
  2. from distutils.core import setup, Extension
  3. setup(name='addList', version='1.0', \
  4. ext_modules=[Extension('addList', ['adder.c'])])


  1. python install



  1. #module that talks to the C code
  2. import addList
  3. l = [1,2,3,4,5]
  4. print "Sum of List - " + str(l) + " = " + str(addList.add(l))


  1. Sum of List - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] = 15

如你所见,我们已经使用Python.h API成功开发出了我们第一个Python C扩展。这种方法看似复杂,但你一旦习惯,它将变的非常有效。
