
All installation files are in the inlong-audit directory, if you use MySQL to store audit data, you need to first create the database through sql/apache_inlong_audit_mysql.sql.

  1. # initialize database
  2. mysql -uDB_USER -pDB_PASSWD < sql/apache_inlong_audit_mysql.sql

If you use StarRocks to store audit data, you need to first create the database through sql/apache_inlong_audit_starrocks.sql.

  1. # initialize database
  2. mysql -uDB_USER -pDB_PASSWD < sql/apache_inlong_audit_starrocks.sql

Audit Proxy

Configure MessageQueue

You can choose Apache Pulsar, Apache Kafka or InLong TubeMQ as your MessageQueue service:

  • If using Pulsar, the configuration file is conf/audit-proxy-pulsar.conf. Change the Pulsar Topic info.
  1. agent1.sinks.pulsar-sink-msg1.topic = persistent://public/default/inlong-audit
  2. agent1.sinks.pulsar-sink-msg2.topic = persistent://public/default/inlong-audit
  • If using Kafka, the configuration file is conf/audit-proxy-kafka.conf. Change the Kafka Topic info.
  1. agent1.sinks.kafka-sink-msg1.topic = inlong-audit
  2. agent1.sinks.kafka-sink-msg2.topic = inlong-audit


  1. # By default, pulsar is used as the MessageQueue, and the audit-proxy-pulsar.conf configuration file is loaded.
  2. bash +x ./bin/ [pulsarkafka]

The default listen port is 10081.

Audit Store


The configuration file is conf/

  1. # the MQ type for audit proxy: pulsar / kafka
  2. audit.config.proxy.type=pulsar
  3. # manger config
  4. manager.hosts=
  5. # Get Kafka or Pulsar address from the cluster tag
  7. # pulsar config
  8. audit.pulsar.topic=persistent://public/default/inlong-audit
  10. audit.pulsar.token=
  11. audit.pulsar.enable.auth=false
  12. # kafka config
  13. audit.kafka.topic=inlong-audit
  14. audit.kafka.topic.numPartitions=3
  15. audit.kafka.topic.replicationFactor=2
  18. # Generic jdbc storage
  19. jdbc.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  20. jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://
  21. jdbc.username=root
  22. jdbc.password=inlong


  • If the backend database is MySQL, please download mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar and put it into lib/ directory.

  • If the backend database is PostgreSQL, there’s no need for additional dependencies.


  1. bash +x ./bin/

Audit Service


The configuration file is conf/

  1. mysql.jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://
  2. mysql.username=root
  3. mysql.password=inlong
  • (optional) Configure Audit Data Sources In the audit_source_config table used by the Audit Service, configure the data source for audit storage. By default, the same MySQL configuration is used as the Audit Service

  • (optional) Configure Audit Items In the audit_id_config table used by the Audit Service, configure the audit items that need to be cached. By default, Agent is used to receive successfully, Agent is sent successfully, DataProxy is received successfully, and DataProxy is sent successfully.


  • If the backend database is MySQL, please download mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar and put it into lib/ directory.
  • If the backend database is PostgreSQL, there’s no need for additional dependencies.


  1. bash +x ./bin/

The default listen port is 10080.