
Environment Requirements

Prepare Message Queue

InLong Support the following Message Queue services now, you can choose one of them.

Download the Binary Package

You can get binary package from Download Page ,or you can build the InLong refer to How to Build.

Extract apache-inlong-[version]-bin.tar.gz and apache-inlong-[version]-sort-connectors.tar.gz, and make sure the inlong-sort/connectors/ directory contains sort-connector-[type]-[version].jar.

DB Dependencies

  1. inlong-agent/lib/
  2. inlong-audit/lib/
  3. inlong-manager/lib/
  4. inlong-tubemq-manager/lib/
  • If the backend database is PostgreSQL, there’s no need for additional dependencies.


In conf/inlong.conf, configure the parameters according to the actual situation, mainly include:

  1. # local IP
  2. local_ip=
  3. # Configure MySQL
  4. spring_datasource_hostname=
  5. spring_datasource_port=3306
  6. spring_datasource_username=root
  7. spring_datasource_password=inlong
  8. # Configure Pulsar or TubeMQ Address
  9. # the REST server address for Flink
  10. flink_rest_address=
  11. # the REST server Port for Flink
  12. flink_rest_port=8081


  1. bin/inlong-daemon start standalone

Register Message Queue

You can register message queue for Manger according to Register MQ Cluster.


After all component run successfully, you can access http://localhost with default account:

  1. user: admin
  2. password: inlong