Scrape data using InfluxDB scrapers

This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. InfluxDB v2.7 is the latest stable version. View this page in the v2.7 documentation.

InfluxDB scrapers collect data from specified targets at regular intervals, then write the scraped data to an InfluxDB bucket. Scrapers can collect data from any HTTP(S)-accessible endpoint that provides data in the Prometheus data format.

Scrapers are not available in .

The following articles provide information about creating and managing InfluxDB data scrapers:

Manage InfluxDB scrapers

Create, update, and delete InfluxDB data scrapers in the InfluxDB user interface.

Create scrapable endpoints

InfluxDB scrapers can collect data from any HTTP(S)-accessible endpoint that returns data in the Prometheus data format. This article provides links to information about the Prometheus data format and tools that generate Prometheus-formatted metrics.
