influx remote

This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. InfluxDB v2.7 is the latest stable version. View this page in the v2.7 documentation.

Configure InfluxDB Edge Data Replication remotes and replication streams to replicate data from InfluxDB OSS to remote buckets on InfluxDB Cloud, InfluxDB Enterprise, or another InfluxDB OSS instance. Currently, you cannot configure remotes and replication streams on InfluxDB Cloud.

Use the influx remote command to manage connections to remote instances of InfluxDB. Remote connections are used to replicate data on write at the bucket level.


  1. influx remote [commond options] [arguments...]


createCreate a new remote connection
deleteDelete a remote connection
listList remote connections
updateUpdate a remote connection


-h—helpHelp for the remote command

write replication