influxd run
This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB. InfluxDB v2.7 is the latest stable version. View this page in the v2.7 documentation.
The influxd run
command is the default command for influxd
. It starts and runs all the processes necessary for InfluxDB to function.
influxd run [flags]
Because run
is the default command for influxd
, the following commands are the same:
influxd run
For information about other available InfluxDB configuration methods, see InfluxDB configuration options.
- --assets-path
- --bolt-path
- --e2e-testing
- --engine-path
- --feature-flags
- --flux-log-enabled
- --hardening-enabled
- -h, —help
- --http-bind-address
- --http-idle-timeout
- --http-read-header-timeout
- --http-read-timeout
- --http-write-timeout
- --influxql-max-select-buckets
- --influxql-max-select-point
- --influxql-max-select-series
- --instance-id
- --log-level
- --metrics-disabled
- --nats-max-payload-bytes - (deprecated in InfluxDB 2.2)
- --nats-port - (deprecated in InfluxDB 2.2)
- --no-tasks
- --pprof-disabled
- --query-concurrency
- --query-initial-memory-bytes
- --query-max-memory-bytes
- --query-memory-bytes
- --query-queue-size
- --reporting-disabled
- --secret-store
- --session-length
- --session-renew-disabled
- --sqlite-path
- --storage-cache-max-memory-size
- --storage-cache-snapshot-memory-size
- --storage-cache-snapshot-write-cold-duration
- --storage-compact-full-write-cold-duration
- --storage-compact-throughput-burst
- --storage-max-concurrent-compactions
- --storage-max-index-log-file-size
- --storage-no-validate-field-size
- --storage-retention-check-interval
- --storage-series-file-max-concurrent-snapshot-compactions
- --storage-series-id-set-cache-size
- --storage-shard-precreator-advance-period
- --storage-shard-precreator-check-interval
- --storage-tsm-use-madv-willneed
- --storage-validate-keys
- --storage-wal-fsync-delay
- --storage-wal-max-concurrent-writes
- --storage-wal-max-write-delay
- --storage-write-timeout
- --store
- --testing-always-allow-setup
- --tls-cert
- --tls-key
- --tls-min-version
- --tls-strict-ciphers
- --tracing-type
- --ui-disabled
- --vault-addr
- --vault-cacert
- --vault-capath
- --vault-client-cert
- --vault-client-key
- --vault-client-timeout
- --vault-max-retries
- --vault-skip-verify
- --vault-tls-server-name
- --vault-token