
This page describes how to set different settings in immudb.

Some of the most important settings that ones are:

dir./dataSystem and user databases are stored here
adress0.0.0.0Listening address
port3322Listing port
mtlsfalseWhether to enable Mutual TLSConfiguration - 图1 (opens new window)
pkeyIf specified, the server can sign the state the clients use to verify immutability
authtrueIf enabled, immudb will require user and password from the client
clientcasClient certificate authority
maintenanceMaintenance mode. Override the authentication flag
syncRuns in sync mode. Prevents data loss but affects performance
token-expiry-time1440Client token expiry time, in minutes
web-servertrueEmbedded web console server
web-server-port8080Embeded web console port server
pgsql-servertruepqsql protocol compatibility server (allows to connect from pgsql compatible clients)
pgsql-server-port5432pqsql protocol compatibility server port

Settings can be specified as command line options to immudb (see immudb -h), in a configuration file, or as environment variables.

Configuration file

Settings can be specified in a immudb.toml configuration fileConfiguration - 图2 (opens new window).

Which configuration file to use is set with the --config option. By default, immudb looks into the configs subfolder in the current directory.

When running immudb as a service, immudb service install allows to specify the configuration file to use with the --config option.

Environment variables

Settings specified via environment variables take override the configuration file. They are specified in the form of IMMUDB_, for example IMMUDB_DIR specifies the dir variable.