Deploy The Humpback Site

Humpback Web

We will use as the Humpback Web site.

Site default port: 80, if you want to customize the port, please specify -e HUMPBACK_LISTEN_PORT = XXXX when the container is created.

/opt/app/humpback-web/dbFiles is the Humpback system persistent data files, will store site management and grouping information.

  1. $ ssh root@
  2. $ mkdir -p /opt/app/humpback-web
  3. $ docker run -d --net=host --restart=always \
  5. -v /opt/app/humpback-web/dbFiles:/humpback-web/dbFiles \
  6. --name humpback-web \
  7. humpbacks/humpback-web:latest

Open browser:

Default Account: admin Password: 123456

Humpback Web

Log in to Humpback as an administrator and expand the left Manage and click System Config. Check the Enable Private Registry, and fill in the previously deployed private registry service address http: // 5000 and Save.

Humpback Web Registry Bind