
nest 过滤器插件允许您对嵌套数据进行操作。它的操作方式是:

  • nest - 获取一组记录并将其放置在映射中
  • lift - 通过映射的键获取其值并将其提取为记录

Example usage (nest)

以使用 JSON 形式的数据为例,要将带有通配符的键 Key* 嵌套在新键 NestKey 下,转换前后如下:


  1. {
  2. "Key1" : "Value1",
  3. "Key2" : "Value2",
  4. "OtherKey" : "Value3"
  5. }


  1. {
  2. "OtherKey" : "Value3"
  3. "NestKey" : {
  4. "Key1" : "Value1",
  5. "Key2" : "Value2",
  6. }
  7. }

Example usage (lift)

以使用 JSON 形式的数据为例,要提取带有嵌套数据的键 NestKey* 中的值(提取为记录),转换前后如下: 输入示例:

  1. {
  2. "OtherKey" : "Value3"
  3. "NestKey" : {
  4. "Key1" : "Value1",
  5. "Key2" : "Value2",
  6. }
  7. }


  1. {
  2. "Key1" : "Value1",
  3. "Key2" : "Value2",
  4. "OtherKey" : "Value3"
  5. }

Configuration Parameters


Key Value Format Operation Description 中文
Operation ENUM [nest or lift] Select the operation nest or lift 可选的操作为 nestlift(嵌套或提取)
Wildcard FIELD WILDCARD nest Nest records which field matches the wildcard 带有通配符的字符串,用于筛选记录映射字段用于嵌套或提取
Nest_under FIELD STRING nest Nest records matching the Wildcard under this key Wildcard 匹配到的键映射嵌套在 Nest_under 指定的键下
Nested_under FIELD STRING lift Lift records nested under the Nested_under key 提取 Nested_under 指定的键下的键值映射作为记录的键值映射
Add_prefix FIELD STRING ANY Prefix affected keys with this string 为受影响的键添加前缀
Remove_prefix FIELD STRING ANY Remove prefix from affected keys if it matches this string 从受影响的键中删除匹配的前缀

Getting Started

要开始记录过滤,您可以从命令行或通过配置文件运行过滤器。以下调用 mem(内存数据指标)输入插件,它输出如下示例记录:

  1. [0] memory: [1488543156, {""=>1016044, "Mem.used"=>841388, ""=>174656, ""=>2064380, "Swap.used"=>139888, ""=>1924492}]

Example #1 - nest

Command Line


以下命令将加载 mem 输入插件。然后 nest 过滤器会使用通配符规则与关键字匹配,并将与 Mem.* 匹配的关键字嵌套在新关键字 NEST 下:

  1. $ bin/fluent-bit -i mem -p 'tag=mem.local' -F nest -p 'Operation=nest' -p 'Wildcard=Mem.*' -p 'Nest_under=Memstats' -p 'Remove_prefix=Mem.' -m '*' -o stdout

Configuration File

  1. [INPUT]
  2. Name mem
  3. Tag mem.local
  4. [OUTPUT]
  5. Name stdout
  6. Match *
  7. [FILTER]
  8. Name nest
  9. Match *
  10. Operation nest
  11. Wildcard Mem.*
  12. Nest_under Memstats
  13. Remove_prefix Mem.



  1. [2018/04/06 01:35:13] [ info] [engine] started
  2. [0] mem.local: [1522978514.007359767, {""=>1046524, "Swap.used"=>0, ""=>1046524, "Memstats"=>{"total"=>4050908, "used"=>714984, "free"=>3335924}}]

Example #1 - nest and lift undo

本示例将所有 Mem.*Swap.* 键嵌套在 Stats 键下,然后通过 lift 操作撤消这些操作。输出显示不变。

Configuration File

  1. [INPUT]
  2. Name mem
  3. Tag mem.local
  4. [OUTPUT]
  5. Name stdout
  6. Match *
  7. [FILTER]
  8. Name nest
  9. Match *
  10. Operation nest
  11. Wildcard Mem.*
  12. Wildcard Swap.*
  13. Nest_under Stats
  14. Add_prefix NESTED
  15. [FILTER]
  16. Name nest
  17. Match *
  18. Operation lift
  19. Nested_under Stats
  20. Remove_prefix NESTED


  1. [2018/06/21 17:42:37] [ info] [engine] started (pid=17285)
  2. [0] mem.local: [1529566958.000940636, {""=>8053656, "Mem.used"=>6940380, ""=>1113276, ""=>16532988, "Swap.used"=>1286772, ""=>15246216}]

Example #2 - nest 3 levels deep

本示例将以 Mem.* 开头的键嵌套在 LAYER1 下,然后将其自身嵌套在 LAYER2 下,后者又嵌套在 LAYER3 下。

Configuration File

  1. [INPUT]
  2. Name mem
  3. Tag mem.local
  4. [OUTPUT]
  5. Name stdout
  6. Match *
  7. [FILTER]
  8. Name nest
  9. Match *
  10. Operation nest
  11. Wildcard Mem.*
  12. Nest_under LAYER1
  13. [FILTER]
  14. Name nest
  15. Match *
  16. Operation nest
  17. Wildcard LAYER1*
  18. Nest_under LAYER2
  19. [FILTER]
  20. Name nest
  21. Match *
  22. Operation nest
  23. Wildcard LAYER2*
  24. Nest_under LAYER3


  1. [0] mem.local: [1524795923.009867831, {""=>1046524, "Swap.used"=>0, ""=>1046524, "LAYER3"=>{"LAYER2"=>{"LAYER1"=>{""=>4050908, "Mem.used"=>1112036, ""=>2938872}}}}]
  2. {
  3. ""=>1046524,
  4. "Swap.used"=>0,
  5. ""=>1046524,
  6. "LAYER3"=>{
  7. "LAYER2"=>{
  8. "LAYER1"=>{
  9. ""=>4050908,
  10. "Mem.used"=>1112036,
  11. ""=>2938872
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }

Example #3 - multiple nest and lift filters with prefix

本示例以 Example 2 的 3 层深度嵌套开始,并应用 3 次 lift 过滤器以反转操作。最终结果是所有记录再次位于顶层,没有嵌套层级。且为每个提升的级别添加一个前缀。

Configuration file

  1. [INPUT]
  2. Name mem
  3. Tag mem.local
  4. [OUTPUT]
  5. Name stdout
  6. Match *
  7. [FILTER]
  8. Name nest
  9. Match *
  10. Operation nest
  11. Wildcard Mem.*
  12. Nest_under LAYER1
  13. [FILTER]
  14. Name nest
  15. Match *
  16. Operation nest
  17. Wildcard LAYER1*
  18. Nest_under LAYER2
  19. [FILTER]
  20. Name nest
  21. Match *
  22. Operation nest
  23. Wildcard LAYER2*
  24. Nest_under LAYER3
  25. [FILTER]
  26. Name nest
  27. Match *
  28. Operation lift
  29. Nested_under LAYER3
  30. Add_prefix Lifted3_
  31. [FILTER]
  32. Name nest
  33. Match *
  34. Operation lift
  35. Nested_under Lifted3_LAYER2
  36. Add_prefix Lifted3_Lifted2_
  37. [FILTER]
  38. Name nest
  39. Match *
  40. Operation lift
  41. Nested_under Lifted3_Lifted2_LAYER1
  42. Add_prefix Lifted3_Lifted2_Lifted1_


  1. [0] mem.local: [1524862951.013414798, {""=>1046524, "Swap.used"=>0, ""=>1046524, ""=>4050908, "Lifted3_Lifted2_Lifted1_Mem.used"=>1253912, ""=>2796996}]
  2. {
  3. ""=>1046524,
  4. "Swap.used"=>0,
  5. ""=>1046524,
  6. ""=>4050908,
  7. "Lifted3_Lifted2_Lifted1_Mem.used"=>1253912,
  8. ""=>2796996
  9. }