HugeGraph 配置项

Gremlin Server 配置项


config option default value descrition
host The host or ip of Gremlin Server.
port 8182 The listening port of Gremlin Server.
graphs hugegraph: conf/ The map of graphs with name and config file path.
scriptEvaluationTimeout 30000 The timeout for gremlin script execution(millisecond).
channelizer Indicates the protocol which the Gremlin Server provides service.
authentication authenticator:, config: {tokens: conf/} The authenticator and config(contains tokens path) of authentication mechanism.

Rest Server & API 配置项


config option default value descrition
graphs [hugegraph:conf/] The map of graphs’ name and config file. server-1 The id of rest server, used for license verification.
restserver.url The url for listening of rest server.
restserver.max_worker_threads 2 * CPUs The maxmium worker threads of rest server.
restserver.min_free_memory 64 The minmium free memory(MB) of rest server, requests will be rejected when the available memory of system is lower than this value.
restserver.request_timeout 30 The time in seconds within which a request must complete, -1 means no timeout.
restserver.connection_idle_timeout 30 The time in seconds to keep an inactive connection alive, -1 means no timeout.
restserver.connection_max_requests 256 The max number of HTTP requests allowed to be processed on one keep-alive connection, -1 means unlimited.
gremlinserver.url The url of gremlin server.
gremlinserver.max_route 8 The max route number for gremlin server.
gremlinserver.timeout 30 The timeout in seconds of waiting for gremlin server.
batch.max_edges_per_batch 500 The maximum number of edges submitted per batch.
batch.max_vertices_per_batch 500 The maximum number of vertices submitted per batch.
batch.max_write_ratio 50 The maximum thread ratio for batch writing, only take effect if the batch.max_write_threads is 0.
batch.max_write_threads 0 The maximum threads for batch writing, if the value is 0, the actual value will be set to batch.max_write_ratio * total-rest-threads.
auth.authenticator The class path of authenticator implemention. e.g.,
auth.admin_token 162f7848-0b6d-4faf-b557-3a0797869c55 Token for administrator operations.
auth.user_tokens [hugegraph:9fd95c9c-711b-415b-b85f-d4df46ba5c31] The map of user tokens with name and password.
exception.allow_trace false Whether to allow exception trace stack.



config option default value descrition
gremlin.graph The entrence of gremlin server to create graph.
backend rocksdb The data store type, available values are [memory, rocksdb, cassandra, scylladb, hbase, mysql].
serializer binary The serializer for backend store, available values are [text, binary, cassandra, hbase, mysql].
store hugegraph The database name like Cassandra Keyspace.
store.connection_detect_interval 600 The interval in seconds for detecting connections, if the idle time of a connection exceeds this value, detect it and reconnect if needed before using, value 0 means detecting every time.
store.graph g The graph table name, which store vertex, edge and property.
store.schema m The schema table name, which store meta data.
store.system s The system table name, which store system data.
schema.illegal_name_regex .\s+$|~. The regex specified the illegal format for schema name.
schema.cache_capacity 100000 The max cache size(items) of schema cache.
schema.sync_deletion false Whether to delete schema synchronously.
vertex.cache_capacity 10000000 The max cache size(items) of vertex cache.
vertex.cache_expire 600 The expire time in seconds of vertex cache.
vertex.check_customized_id_exist true Whether to check the vertices exist for those using customized id strategy
vertex.default_label vertex The default vertex label.
vertex.tx_capacity 10000 The max size(items) of vertices(uncommitted) in transaction.
edge.cache_capacity 1000000 The max cache size(items) of edge cache.
edge.cache_expire 600 The expire time in seconds of edge cache.
edge.tx_capacity 10000 The max size(items) of edges(uncommitted) in transaction.
rate_limit 0 The max rate(items/s) to add/update/delete vertices/edges.
query.page_size 500 The size of each page when query using paging.
search.text_analyzer ikanalyzer Choose a text analyzer for searching the vertex/edge properties, available type are [word, ansj, hanlp, smartcn, jieba, jcseg, mmseg4j, ikanalyzer]
search.text_analyzer_mode smart Specify the mode for the text analyzer, the available mode of analyzer are {word: [MaximumMatching, ReverseMaximumMatching, MinimumMatching, ReverseMinimumMatching, BidirectionalMaximumMatching, BidirectionalMinimumMatching, BidirectionalMaximumMinimumMatching, FullSegmentation, MinimalWordCount, MaxNgramScore, PureEnglish], ansj: [BaseAnalysis, IndexAnalysis, ToAnalysis, NlpAnalysis], hanlp: [standard, nlp, index, nShort, shortest, speed], smartcn: [], jieba: [SEARCH, INDEX], jcseg: [Simple, Complex], mmseg4j: [Simple, Complex, MaxWord], ikanalyzer: [smart, max_word]}
snowflake.datecenter_id 0 The datacenter id of snowflake id generator.
snowflake.force_string false Whether to force the snowflake long id to be a string.
snowflake.worker_id 0 The worker id of snowflake id generator.
task.wait_timeout 10 Timeout in seconds for waiting for the task to complete,such as when truncating or clearing the backend.

Cassandra 后端配置项

config option default value descrition
backend Must be set to cassandra
serializer Must be set to cassandra localhost The seeds hostname or ip address of cassandra cluster.
cassandra.port 9042 The seeds port address of cassandra cluster.
cassandra.connect_timeout 5 The cassandra driver connect server timeout(seconds).
cassandra.read_timeout 20 The cassandra driver read from server timeout(seconds).
cassandra.keyspace.strategy SimpleStrategy The replication strategy of keyspace, valid value is SimpleStrategy or NetworkTopologyStrategy.
cassandra.keyspace.replication [3] The keyspace replication factor of SimpleStrategy, like ‘[3]’.Or replicas in each datacenter of NetworkTopologyStrategy, like ‘[dc1:2,dc2:1]’.
cassandra.username The username to use to login to cassandra cluster.
cassandra.password The password corresponding to cassandra.username.
cassandra.compression_type none The compression algorithm of cassandra transport: none/snappy/lz4.
cassandra.jmx_port=7199 7199 The port of JMX API service for cassandra.

ScyllaDB 后端配置项

config option default value descrition
backend Must be set to scylladb
serializer Must be set to scylladb

其它与 Cassandra 后端一致。

RocksDB 后端配置项

config option default value descrition
backend Must be set to rocksdb
serializer Must be set to binary
rocksdb.data_disks [] The optimized disks for storing data of RocksDB. The format of each element: STORE/TABLE: /path/to/disk.Allowed keys are [graph/vertex, graph/edge_out, graph/edge_in, graph/secondary_index, graph/range_index]
rocksdb.data_path rocksdb-data The path for storing data of RocksDB.
rocksdb.wal_path rocksdb-data The path for storing WAL of RocksDB.
rocksdb.allow_mmap_reads false Allow the OS to mmap file for reading sst tables.
rocksdb.allow_mmap_writes false Allow the OS to mmap file for writing.
rocksdb.block_cache_capacity 8388608 The amount of block cache in bytes that will be used by RocksDB, 0 means no block cache.
rocksdb.bloom_filter_bits_per_key -1 The bits per key in bloom filter, a good value is 10, which yields a filter with ~ 1% false positive rate, -1 means no bloom filter.
rocksdb.bloom_filter_block_based_mode false Use block based filter rather than full filter.
rocksdb.bloom_filter_whole_key_filtering true True if place whole keys in the bloom filter, else place the prefix of keys.
rocksdb.bottommost_compression NO_COMPRESSION The compression algorithm for the bottommost level of RocksDB, allowed values are none/snappy/z/bzip2/lz4/lz4hc/xpress/zstd.
rocksdb.bulkload_mode false Switch to the mode to bulk load data into RocksDB.
rocksdb.cache_index_and_filter_blocks false Indicating if we’d put index/filter blocks to the block cache.
rocksdb.compaction_style LEVEL Set compaction style for RocksDB: LEVEL/UNIVERSAL/FIFO.
rocksdb.compression SNAPPY_COMPRESSION The compression algorithm for compressing blocks of RocksDB, allowed values are none/snappy/z/bzip2/lz4/lz4hc/xpress/zstd.
rocksdb.compression_per_level [NO_COMPRESSION, NO_COMPRESSION, SNAPPY_COMPRESSION, SNAPPY_COMPRESSION, SNAPPY_COMPRESSION, SNAPPY_COMPRESSION, SNAPPY_COMPRESSION] The compression algorithms for different levels of RocksDB, allowed values are none/snappy/z/bzip2/lz4/lz4hc/xpress/zstd.
rocksdb.delayed_write_rate 16777216 The rate limit in bytes/s of user write requests when need to slow down if the compaction gets behind.
rocksdb.log_level INFO The info log level of RocksDB.
rocksdb.max_background_jobs 8 Maximum number of concurrent background jobs, including flushes and compactions.
rocksdb.max_bytes_for_level_base 536870912 The upper-bound of the total size of level-1 files in bytes.
rocksdb.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier 10.0 The ratio between the total size of level (L+1) files and the total size of level L files for all L.
rocksdb.max_open_files -1 The maximum number of open files that can be cached by RocksDB, -1 means no limit.
rocksdb.max_subcompactions 4 The value represents the maximum number of threads per compaction job.
rocksdb.max_write_buffer_number 6 The maximum number of write buffers that are built up in memory.
rocksdb.max_write_buffer_number_to_maintain 0 The total maximum number of write buffers to maintain in memory.
rocksdb.min_write_buffer_number_to_merge 2 The minimum number of write buffers that will be merged together.
rocksdb.num_levels 7 Set the number of levels for this database.
rocksdb.optimize_filters_for_hits false This flag allows us to not store filters for the last level.
rocksdb.optimize_mode true Optimize for heavy workloads and big datasets.
rocksdb.pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache false Indicating if we’d put index/filter blocks to the block cache.
rocksdb.sst_path The path for ingesting SST file into RocksDB.
rocksdb.target_file_size_base 67108864 The target file size for compaction in bytes.
rocksdb.target_file_size_multiplier 1 The size ratio between a level L file and a level (L+1) file.
rocksdb.use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction false Enable the OS to use direct read/writes in flush and compaction.
rocksdb.use_direct_reads false Enable the OS to use direct I/O for reading sst tables.
rocksdb.write_buffer_size 134217728 Amount of data in bytes to build up in memory.
rocksdb.max_manifest_file_size 104857600 The max size of manifest file in bytes.
rocksdb.skip_stats_update_on_db_open false Whether to skip statistics update when opening the database, setting this flag true allows us to not update statistics.
rocksdb.max_file_opening_threads 16 The max number of threads used to open files.
rocksdb.max_total_wal_size 0 Total size of WAL files in bytes. Once WALs exceed this size, we will start forcing the flush of column families related, 0 means no limit.
rocksdb.db_write_buffer_size 0 Total size of write buffers in bytes across all column families, 0 means no limit.
rocksdb.delete_obsolete_files_period 21600 The periodicity in seconds when obsolete files get deleted, 0 means always do full purge.

HBase 后端配置项

config option default value descrition
backend Must be set to hbase
serializer Must be set to hbase
hbase.hosts localhost The hostnames or ip addresses of HBase zookeeper, separated with commas.
hbase.port 2181 The port address of HBase zookeeper.
hbase.threads_max 64 The max threads num of hbase connections.
hbase.znode_parent /hbase The znode parent path of HBase zookeeper.
hbase.zk_retry 3 The recovery retry times of HBase zookeeper.

MySQL & PostgreSQL 后端配置项

config option default value descrition
backend Must be set to mysql
serializer Must be set to mysql
jdbc.driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver The JDBC driver class to connect database.
jdbc.url jdbc:mysql:// The url of database in JDBC format.
jdbc.username root The username to login database.
jdbc.password The password corresponding to jdbc.username.
jdbc.ssl_mode false The SSL mode of connections with database.
jdbc.reconnect_interval 3 The interval(seconds) between reconnections when the database connection fails.
jdbc.reconnect_max_times 3 The reconnect times when the database connection fails.
jdbc.storage_engine InnoDB The storage engine of backend store database, like InnoDB/MyISAM/RocksDB for MySQL.

PostgreSQL 后端配置项

config option default value descrition
backend Must be set to postgresql
serializer Must be set to postgresql

其它与 MySQL 后端一致。