HTTP/3 compared to HTTP/2
HTTP/3 is designed for QUIC, which is a transport protocol that handlesstreams by itself.
HTTP/2 is designed for TCP, and therefore handles streams in the HTTP layer.
The two protocols offer clients virtually identical feature sets.
Both protocols offer server push support
Both protocols have header compression, and QPACK and HPACK are similar indesign.
Both protocols offer multiplexing over a single connection using streams
The differences are in the details and primarily there thanks to HTTP/3’s useof QUIC:
HTTP/3 has better and more likely to work early data support thanks toQUIC’s 0-RTT handshakes, while TCP Fast Open and TLS usually sends less dataand often faces problems.
HTTP/3 has much faster handshakes thanks to QUIC vs TCP + TLS.
HTTP/3 does not exist in an insecure or unencrypted version. HTTP/2 can beimplemented and used without HTTPS - even if this is rare on the Internet.
HTTP/2 can be negotiated directly in a TLS handshake with the ALPNextension, while HTTP/3 is over QUIC so it needs an
headerresponse first to inform the client about this fact.HTTP/3 has no prioritization. The HTTP/2 approach to prioritization has beendeemed too complicated, or even a downright failure, and there’s work oncreating a simpler take. This planned simpler scheme is also planned to beable so backport to run over HTTP/2 using HTTP/2’s extension mechanism.