helm dependency list

list the dependencies for the given chart


List all of the dependencies declared in a chart.

This can take chart archives and chart directories as input. It will not alter the contents of a chart.

This will produce an error if the chart cannot be loaded. It will emit a warning if it cannot find a requirements.yaml.

  1. helm dependency list [flags] CHART


  1. -h, --help help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --debug enable verbose output
  2. --home string location of your Helm config. Overrides $HELM-HOME (default "~/.helm")
  3. --host string address of Tiller. Overrides $HELM-HOST
  4. --kube-context string name of the kubeconfig context to use
  5. --kubeconfig string absolute path to the kubeconfig file to use
  6. --tiller-connection-timeout int the duration (in seconds) Helm will wait to establish a connection to tiller (default 300)
  7. --tiller-namespace string namespace of Tiller (default "kube-system")


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 1-Aug-2018