Lesson 6 - HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF)

Data in many HAWQ deployments may already reside in external sources. The HAWQ Extension Framework (PXF) provides access to this external data via built-in connectors called plug-ins. PXF plug-ins facilitate mapping a data source to a HAWQ external table definition. PXF is installed with HDFS, Hive, HBase, and JSON plug-ins.

In this exercise, you use the PXF HDFS plug-in to:

  • Create PXF external table definitions
  • Perform queries on the data you loaded into HDFS
  • Run more complex queries on HAWQ and PXF tables


Ensure that you have:

You should also retrieve the hostname or IP address of the HDFS NameNode that you noted in View and Update HAWQ Configuration.

Exercise: Create and Query PXF External Tables

Perform the following steps to create HAWQ external table definitions to read the dimension data you previously loaded into HDFS.

  1. Log in to the HAWQ master node as the gpadmin user:

    1. $ ssh gpadmin@<master>
  2. Navigate to the PXF script directory:

    1. gpadmin@master$ cd $HAWQGSBASE/tutorials/getstart/pxf
  3. Start the psql subsystem:

    1. gpadmin@master$ psql
    2. hawqgsdb=#
  4. Create a HAWQ external table definition to represent the Retail demo customers_dim dimension data you loaded into HDFS in Lesson 4; substitute your NameNode hostname or IP address in the <namenode> field of the LOCATION clause:

    1. hawqgsdb=# CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf
    2. (customer_id TEXT, first_name TEXT,
    3. last_name TEXT, gender TEXT)
    4. LOCATION ('pxf://<namenode>:51200/retail_demo/customers_dim/customers_dim.tsv.gz?profile=HdfsTextSimple')
    5. FORMAT 'TEXT' (DELIMITER = E'\t');

    The LOCATION clause of a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement specifying the pxf protocol must include:

    • The hostname or IP address of your HAWQ cluster’s HDFS <namenode>.
    • The location and/or name of the external data source. You specified the HDFS file path to the customer_dim data file above.
    • The PXF profile to use to access the external data. The PXF HDFS plug-in supports the HdfsTextSimple profile to access delimited text format data.

    The FORMAT clause of a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement specifying the pxf protocol and HdfsTextSimple profile must identify TEXT format and include the DELIMITER character used to access the external data source. You identified a tab delimiter character above.

  5. The create_pxf_tables.sql SQL script creates HAWQ external table definitions for the remainder of the Retail dimension data. In another terminal window, edit create_pxf_tables.sql, replacing each occurrence of NAMENODE with the hostname or IP address you specified in the previous step. For example:

    1. gpadmin@master$ cd $HAWQGSBASE/tutorials/getstart/pxf
    2. gpadmin@master$ vi create_pxf_tables.sql
  6. Run the create_pxf_tables.sql SQL script to create the remainder of the HAWQ external table definitions, then exit the psql subsystem:

    1. hawqgsdb=# \i create_pxf_tables.sql
    2. hawqgsdb=# \q

    Note: The create_pxf_tables.sql script deletes each external table before attempting to create it. If this is your first time performing this exercise, you can safely ignore the psql “table does not exist, skipping” messages.

  7. Run the following script to verify that you successfully created the external table definitions:

    1. gpadmin@master$ ./verify_create_pxf_tables.sh

    The output of the script should match the following:

    1. Table Name | Count
    2. -------------------------------+------------------------
    3. customers_dim_pxf | 401430
    4. categories_dim_pxf | 56
    5. customer_addresses_dim_pxf | 1130639
    6. email_addresses_dim_pxf | 401430
    7. payment_methods_pxf | 5
    8. products_dim_pxf | 698911
    9. -------------------------------+------------------------
  8. Display the allowed payment methods by running the following query on the payment_methods_pxf table:

    1. gpadmin@master$ psql
    2. hawqgsdb=# SELECT * FROM retail_demo.payment_methods_pxf;
    3. payment_method_id | payment_method_code
    4. -------------------+---------------------
    5. 4 | GiftCertificate
    6. 3 | CreditCard
    7. 5 | FreeReplacement
    8. 2 | Credit
    9. 1 | COD
    10. (5 rows)
  9. Run the following query on the customers_dim_pxf and customer_addresses_dim_pxf tables to display the names of all male customers in the 06119 zip code:

    1. hawqgsdb=# SELECT last_name, first_name
    2. FROM retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf, retail_demo.customer_addresses_dim_pxf
    3. WHERE retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf.customer_id=retail_demo.customer_addresses_dim_pxf.customer_id AND
    4. retail_demo.customer_addresses_dim_pxf.zip_code='06119' AND
    5. retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf.gender='M';

    Compare your output to the following:

    1. last_name | first_name
    2. -----------+------------
    3. Gigliotti | Maurice
    4. Detweiler | Rashaad
    5. Nusbaum | Morton
    6. Mann | Damian
    7. ...
  10. Exit the psql subsystem:

    1. hawqgsdb=# \q

Exercise: Query HAWQ and PXF Tables

Often, data will reside in both HAWQ tables and external data sources. In these instances, you can use both HAWQ internal and PXF external tables to relate and query the data.

Perform the following steps to identify the names and email addresses of all customers who made gift certificate purchases, providing an overall order total for such purchases. The orders fact data resides in a HAWQ-managed table and the customers data resides in HDFS.

  1. Start the psql subsystem:

    1. gpadmin@master$ psql
    2. hawqgsdb=#
  2. The orders fact data is accessible via the orders_hawq table created in the previous lesson. The customers data is accessible via the customers_dim_pxf table created in the previous exercise. Using these internal and external HAWQ tables, construct a query to identify the names and email addresses of all customers who made gift certificate purchases; also include an overall order total for such purchases:

    1. hawqgsdb=# SELECT substring(retail_demo.orders_hawq.customer_email_address for 37) AS email_address, last_name,
    2. sum(retail_demo.orders_hawq.total_paid_amount::float8) AS gift_cert_total
    3. FROM retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf, retail_demo.orders_hawq
    4. WHERE retail_demo.orders_hawq.payment_method_code='GiftCertificate' AND
    5. retail_demo.orders_hawq.customer_id=retail_demo.customers_dim_pxf.customer_id
    6. GROUP BY retail_demo.orders_hawq.customer_email_address, last_name ORDER BY last_name;

    The SELECT statement above uses columns from the HAWQ orders_hawq and PXF external customers_dim_pxf tables to form the query. The orders_hawq customer_id field is compared with the customers_dim_pxf customer_id field to produce the orders associated with a specific customer where the orders_hawq payment_method_code identifies GiftCertificate.

    Query output:

    1. email_address | last_name | gift_cert_total
    2. ---------------------------------------+----------------+-------------------
    3. Christopher.Aaron@phpmydirectory.com | Aaron | 17.16
    4. Libbie.Aaron@qatarw.com | Aaron | 102.33
    5. Jay.Aaron@aljsad.net | Aaron | 72.36
    6. Marybelle.Abad@idividi.com.mk | Abad | 14.97
    7. Suellen.Abad@anatranny.com | Abad | 125.93
    8. Luvenia.Abad@mediabiz.de | Abad | 107.99
    9. ...

    Enter q at any time to exit the query results.

  3. Exit the psql subsystem:

    1. hawqgsdb=# \q


In this lesson, you created PXF external tables to access HDFS data and queried these tables. You also performed a query using this external data and the HAWQ internal fact tables created previously, executing business logic on both your managed and unmanaged data.

For additional information about PXF, refer to Using PXF with Unmanaged Data.

Refer to Accessing HDFS File Data for detailed information about the PXF HDFS Plug-in.

This lesson wraps up the Getting Started with HAWQ tutorial. Now that you are familiar with basic environment set-up, cluster, database, and data management activities, you should feel more confident interacting with your HAWQ cluster.

Next Steps: View HAWQ documentation related to Running a HAWQ Cluster.