Introducing the HAWQ Operating Environment

Before invoking operations on a HAWQ cluster, you must set up your HAWQ environment. This set up is required for both administrative and non-administrative HAWQ users.

Procedure: Setting Up Your HAWQ Operating Environment

HAWQ installs a script that you can use to set up your HAWQ cluster environment. The script, located in your HAWQ root install directory, sets $PATH and other environment variables to find HAWQ files. Most importantly, sets the $GPHOME environment variable to point to the root directory of the HAWQ installation. If you installed HAWQ from a product distribution, the HAWQ root is typically /usr/local/hawq. If you built HAWQ from source or downloaded the tarball, you will have selected an install root directory on your own.

Perform the following steps to set up your HAWQ operating environment:

  1. Log in to the HAWQ node as the desired user. For example:

    1. $ ssh gpadmin@<master>
    2. gpadmin@master$

    Or, if you are already logged in to <node-type> as a different user, switch to the desired user. For example:

    1. gpadmin@master$ su - <hawq-user>
    2. Password:
    3. hawq-user@master$
  2. Set up your HAWQ operating environment by sourcing the file. If you built HAWQ from source or downloaded the tarball, substitute the path to the installed or extracted file (for example /opt/hawq-

    1. hawq-node$ source /usr/local/hawq/

    sourceing sets PATH to include the HAWQ $GPHOME/bin/ directory. It also sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the HAWQ libraries in $GPHOME/lib/.

  3. Edit your .bash_profile or other shell initialization file to source on login. For example, add:

    1. source /usr/local/hawq/
  4. Set HAWQ-specific environment variables relevant to your deployment in your shell initialization file. These include PGAPPNAME, PGDATABASE, PGHOST, PGPORT, and PGUSER. For example:

    1. If you use a custom HAWQ master port number, make this port number the default by setting the PGPORT environment variable in your shell initialization file; add:

      1. export PGPORT=10432

      Setting PGPORT simplifies psql invocation by providing a default for the -p (port) option.

    2. If you will routinely operate on a specific database, make this database the default by setting the PGDATABASE environment variable in your shell initialization file:

      1. export PGDATABASE=<database-name>

      Setting PGDATABASE simplifies psql invocation by providing a default for the -d (database) option.

    You may choose to set additional HAWQ deployment-specific environment variables. See Environment Variables.

HAWQ Files and Directories

The following table identifies some files and directories of interest in a default HAWQ installation. Unless otherwise specified, the table entries are relative to $GPHOME.

$HOME/hawqAdminLogs/Default HAWQ management utility log file directory
greenplum_path.shHAWQ environment set-up script
bin/HAWQ admin, client, database, and administration utilities
etc/HAWQ configuration files, including hawq-site.xml
include/HDFS, PostgreSQL, libpq header files
lib/HAWQ libraries
lib/postgresql/PostgreSQL shared libraries and JAR files
share/postgresql/PostgreSQL and procedural languages samples and scripts
/data/hawq/[master|segment]/Default location of HAWQ master and segment data directories
/data/hawq/[master|segment]/pg_log/Default location of HAWQ master and segment log file directories
/etc/pxf/conf/PXF service and configuration files
/usr/lib/pxf/PXF service and plug-in shared libraries
/var/log/pxf/PXF log file directory
/usr/hdp/current/HDP runtime and configuration files