
The pg_tablespace system catalog table stores information about the available tablespaces. Tables can be placed in particular tablespaces to aid administration of disk layout. Unlike most system catalogs, pg_tablespace is shared across all databases of a HAWQ system: there is only one copy of pg_tablespace per system, not one per database.

Table 1. pg_catalog.pg_tablespace

spcnamename Tablespace name.
spcowneroidpg_authid.oidOwner of the tablespace, usually the user who created it.
spclocationtext[] Deprecated.
spcaclaclitem[] Tablespace access privileges.
spcprilocationstext[] Deprecated.
spcmrilocationstext[] Deprecated.
spcfsoidoidpg_filespace.oidThe object id of the filespace used by this tablespace. A filespace defines directory locations on the master and segments.