Harvester Configuration

Configuration Example

Harvester configuration file can be provided during manual or automatic installation to configure various settings. The following is a configuration example:

  1. server_url: https://cluster-VIP:443
  2. token: TOKEN_VALUE
  3. os:
  4. ssh_authorized_keys:
  5. - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB...
  6. - github:username
  7. write_files:
  8. - encoding: ""
  9. content: test content
  10. owner: root
  11. path: /etc/test.txt
  12. permissions: '0755'
  13. hostname: myhost
  14. modules:
  15. - kvm
  16. - nvme
  17. sysctls:
  18. kernel.printk: "4 4 1 7"
  19. kernel.kptr_restrict: "1"
  20. dns_nameservers:
  21. -
  22. -
  23. ntp_servers:
  24. - 0.suse.pool.ntp.org
  25. - 1.suse.pool.ntp.org
  26. password: rancher
  27. environment:
  28. http_proxy: http://myserver
  29. https_proxy: http://myserver
  30. labels:
  31. foo: bar
  32. mylabel: myvalue
  33. install:
  34. mode: create
  35. networks:
  36. harvester-mgmt:
  37. interfaces:
  38. - name: ens5
  39. hwAddr: "B8:CA:3A:6A:64:7C"
  40. method: dhcp
  41. force_efi: true
  42. device: /dev/vda
  43. silent: true
  44. iso_url: http://myserver/test.iso
  45. poweroff: true
  46. no_format: true
  47. debug: true
  48. tty: ttyS0
  49. vip:
  50. vip_hw_addr: 52:54:00:ec:0e:0b
  51. vip_mode: dhcp
  52. force_mbr: false
  53. system_settings:
  54. auto-disk-provision-paths: ""

Configuration Reference

Below is a reference of all configuration keys.

Harvester Configuration - 图1caution

Security Risks: The configuration file contains credentials which should be kept secret. Please do not make the configuration file publicly accessible.

Harvester Configuration - 图2note

Configuration Priority: When you provide a remote Harvester Configuration file during the install of Harvester, the Harvester Configuration file will not overwrite the values for the inputs you had previously filled out and selected. Priority is given to the values that you input during the guided install. For instance, if you have in your Harvester Configuration file specified os.hostname and during install you fill in the field of hostname when prompted, the value that you filled in will take priority over your Harvester Configuration’s os.hostname.



server_url is the URL of the Harvester cluster, which is used for the new node to join the cluster.

This configuration is mandatory when the installation is in JOIN mode. The default format of server_url is https://cluster-VIP:443.

Harvester Configuration - 图3note

To ensure a high availability (HA) Harvester cluster, please use either the Harvester cluster VIP or a domain name in server_url.


  1. server_url: https://cluster-VIP:443
  2. install:
  3. mode: join



The cluster secret or node token. If the value matches the format of a node token it will automatically be assumed to be a node token. Otherwise it is treated as a cluster secret.

In order for a new node to join the Harvester cluster, the token should match what the server has.


  1. token: myclustersecret

Or a node token

  1. token: "K1074ec55daebdf54ef48294b0ddf0ce1c3cb64ee7e3d0b9ec79fbc7baf1f7ddac6::node:77689533d0140c7019416603a05275d4"



A list of SSH authorized keys that should be added to the default user, rancher. SSH keys can be obtained from GitHub user accounts by using the format github:${USERNAME}. This is done by downloading the keys from https://github.com/${USERNAME}.keys.


  1. os:
  2. ssh_authorized_keys:
  3. - "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC2TBZGjE+J8ag11dzkFT58J3XPONrDVmalCNrKxsfADfyy0eqdZrG8hcAxAR/5zuj90Gin2uBR4Sw6Cn4VHsPZcFpXyQCjK1QDADj+WcuhpXOIOY3AB0LZBly9NI0ll+8lo3QtEaoyRLtrMBhQ6Mooy2M3MTG4JNwU9o3yInuqZWf9PvtW6KxMl+ygg1xZkljhemGZ9k0wSrjqif+8usNbzVlCOVQmZwZA+BZxbdcLNwkg7zWJSXzDIXyqM6iWPGXQDEbWLq3+HR1qKucTCSxjbqoe0FD5xcW7NHIME5XKX84yH92n6yn+rxSsyUfhJWYqJd+i0fKf5UbN6qLrtd/D"
  4. - "github:ibuildthecloud"


A list of files to write to disk on boot. The encoding field specifies the content’s encoding. Valid encoding values are:

  • "": content data are written in plain text. In this case, the encoding field can be also omitted.
  • b64, base64: content data are base64-encoded.
  • gz, gzip: content data are gzip-compressed.
  • gz+base64, gzip+base64, gz+b64, gzip+b64: content data are gzip-compressed first and then base64-encoded.


  1. os:
  2. write_files:
  3. - encoding: b64
  4. content: CiMgVGhpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRyb2xzIHRoZSBzdGF0ZSBvZiBTRUxpbnV4...
  5. owner: root:root
  6. path: /etc/connman/main.conf
  7. permissions: '0644'
  8. - content: |
  9. # My new /etc/sysconfig/samba file
  11. path: /etc/sysconfig/samba
  12. - content: !!binary |
  16. ...
  17. path: /bin/arch
  18. permissions: '0555'
  19. - content: |
  20. 15 * * * * root ship_logs
  21. path: /etc/crontab



Set the system hostname. The installer will generate a random hostname if the user doesn’t provide a value.


  1. os:
  2. hostname: myhostname



A list of kernel modules to be loaded on start.


  1. os:
  2. modules:
  3. - kvm
  4. - nvme



Kernel sysctl to set up on start. These are the typical configurations found in /etc/sysctl.conf. Values must be specified as strings.


  1. os:
  2. sysctls:
  3. kernel.printk: 4 4 1 7 # the YAML parser will read as a string
  4. kernel.kptr_restrict: "1" # force the YAML parser to read as a string



Fallback DNS name servers to use if DNS is not configured by DHCP or in the OS.


  1. os:
  2. dns_nameservers:
  3. -
  4. -



Fallback ntp servers to use if NTP is not configured elsewhere in the OS. Highly recommend to configure os.ntp_servers to avoid time synchronization issue between machines.


  1. os:
  2. ntp_servers:
  3. - 0.suse.pool.ntp.org
  4. - 1.suse.pool.ntp.org



The password for the default user, rancher. By default, there is no password for the rancher user. If you set a password at runtime it will be reset on the next boot. The value of the password can be clear text or an encrypted form. The easiest way to get this encrypted form is to change your password on a Linux system and copy the value of the second field from /etc/shadow. You can also encrypt a password using openssl passwd -6.



  1. os:
  2. password: "$6$kZYUnRaTxNdg4W8H$WSEJydGWsNpaRbbbRdTDLJ2hDLbkizxSFGW2RtexlqG6njEATaGQG9ssztjaKDCsaNUPBZ1E1YdsvSLMAi/IO/"

Or clear text:

  1. os:
  2. password: supersecure



Environment variables to be set on K3s and other processes like the boot process. Primary use of this field is to set the HTTP proxy.


  1. os:
  2. environment:
  3. http_proxy: http://myserver
  4. https_proxy: http://myserver

Harvester Configuration - 图4note

This example sets the HTTP(S) proxy for foundational OS components. To set up an HTTP(S) proxy for Harvester components such as fetching external images and backup to S3 services, see Settings/http-proxy.



Labels to be added to this Node.



Harvester installation mode:

  • create: Creating a new Harvester installation.
  • join: Join an existing Harvester installation. Need to specify server_url.


  1. install:
  2. mode: create



Configure network interfaces for the host machine. Each key-value pair represents a network interface. The key name becomes the network name, and the values are configurations for each network. Valid configuration fields are:

  • method: Method to assign an IP to this network. The following are supported:
    • static: Manually assign an IP and gateway.
    • dhcp: Request an IP from the DHCP server.
    • none: Do nothing. Useful when the interface does not need an IP, such as when creating VLAN network NIC in Harvester.
  • ip: Static IP for this network. Required if static method is chosen.
  • subnet_mask: Subnet mask for this network. Required if static method is chosen.
  • gateway: Gateway for this network. Required if static method is chosen.
  • interfaces: An array of interface names. If provided, the installer then combines these NICs into a single logical bonded interface.
    • interfaces.name: The name of the slave interface for the bonded network.
    • interfaces.hwAddr: The hardware MAC address of the interface.
  • bond_options: Options for bonded interfaces. Refer to here for more info. If not provided, the following options would be used:
    • mode: balance-tlb
    • miimon: 100
  • mtu: The MTU for the interface.

Harvester Configuration - 图5note

A network called harvester-mgmt is mandatory to establish a valid management network.

Harvester Configuration - 图6note

Harvester uses the systemd net naming scheme. Please make sure the interface name is present on the target machine before installation.


  1. install:
  2. mode: create
  3. networks:
  4. harvester-mgmt: # The management bond name. This is mandatory.
  5. interfaces:
  6. - name: ens5
  7. hwAddr: "B8:CA:3A:6A:64:7D" # The hwAddr is optional
  8. method: dhcp
  9. bond_options:
  10. mode: balance-tlb
  11. miimon: 100
  12. mtu: 1492
  13. harvester-vlan: # The VLAN network bond name. User can then input `harvester-vlan` in the VLAN NIC setting in the GUI.
  14. interfaces:
  15. - name: ens6
  16. hwAddr: "B8:CA:3A:6A:64:7E" # The hwAddr is optional
  17. method: none
  18. bond_options:
  19. mode: balance-tlb
  20. miimon: 100
  21. bond0:
  22. interfaces:
  23. - name: ens8
  24. hwAddr: "B8:CA:3A:6A:64:7F" # The hwAddr is optional
  25. method: static
  26. ip:
  27. subnet_mask:
  28. gateway:
  29. mtu: 9000


Force EFI installation even when EFI is not detected. Default: false.


The device to install the OS.




ISO to download and install from if booting from kernel/vmlinuz and not ISO.


Shutdown the machine after installation instead of rebooting


Do not partition and format, assume layout exists already.


Run the installation with additional logging and debugging enabled for the installed system.



The tty device used for the console.


  1. install:
  2. tty: ttyS0,115200n8





  • install.vip: The VIP of the Harvester management endpoint. After installation, users can access the Harvester GUI at the URL https://<VIP>.
  • install.vip_mode
    • dhcp: Harvester will send DHCP requests to get the VIP. The install.vip_hw_addr field needs to be provided.
    • static: Harvester uses a static VIP.
  • install.vip_hw_addr: The hardware address corresponding to the VIP. Users must configure their on-premise DHCP server to offer the configured VIP. The field is mandatory when install.vip_mode is dhcp.

See Management Address for more information.


Configure a static VIP.

  1. install:
  2. vip:
  3. vip_mode: static

Configure a DHCP VIP.

  1. install:
  2. vip:
  3. vip_mode: dhcp
  4. vip_hw_addr: 52:54:00:ec:0e:0b



By default, Harvester uses GPT partitioning scheme on both UEFI and BIOS systems. However, if you face compatibility issues, the MBR partitioning scheme can be forced on BIOS systems.

Harvester Configuration - 图7note

Harvester creates an additional partition for storing VM data if install.data_disk is configured to use the same storage device as the one set for install.device. When force using MBR, no additional partition will be created and VM data will be stored in a partition shared with the OS data.


  1. install:
  2. force_mbr: true


Available as of v1.0.1


Sets the default storage device to store the VM data.

Default: Same storage device as the one set for install.device


  1. install:
  2. data_disk: /dev/sdb



You can overwrite the default Harvester system settings by configuring system_settings. See the Settings page for additional information and the list of all the options.

Harvester Configuration - 图8note

Overwriting system settings only works when Harvester is installed in “create” mode. If you install Harvester in “join” mode, this setting is ignored. Installing in “join” mode will adopt the system settings from the existing Harvester system.


The example below overwrites http-proxy and ui-source settings. The values must be a string.

  1. system_settings:
  2. http-proxy: '{"httpProxy": "http://my.proxy", "httpsProxy": "https://my.proxy", "noProxy": "some.internal.svc"}'
  3. ui-source: auto


Available as of v1.0.1


You can setup the default network in Harvester by configuring cluster_networks. Network configuration reference:

  • vlan: Setup for VLAN network. The following fields are supported:
    • enable: enable VLAN network settings or not. Default value: false.
    • description: Additional information for ClusterNetworks. Default value: “”.
    • config: ClusterNetworks configuration to be used. Valid configuration fields are:
      • defaultPhysicalNIC (string, required): assign a physical NIC to be external entry of VLAN network.

Harvester Configuration - 图9note

To configure the cluster_networks, Harvester needs to be installed in “create” mode. If you install Harvester in “join” mode, this setting is ignored. Installing in “join” mode will apply the cluster_networks configuration from the existing Harvester system.


The following example sets the default physical NIC name of the VLAN network:

  1. cluster_networks:
  2. vlan:
  3. enable: true
  4. description: "some description about this cluster network"
  5. config:
  6. defaultPhysicalNIC: ens3