Bash CheatSheet

Reference - Up and running Bash Scripting

Bash script syntax

To run like bash script.

  1. #!/bin/bash


  1. # comment

Use extension .sh for shell and bash files.

To run a bash file use:

To make the script executable without the bash command use:

  1. chmod +x
  2. ./



To print empty line.

  1. echo

To print all as strings. Escape special characters with a \.

  1. greeting="hello"
  2. # No quotes
  3. echo $greeting, world \(planet\)! # hello, world (planet)!
  4. # Single quotes
  5. echo '$greeting, world (planet)!' # $greeting, world (planet)!
  6. # Double quotes
  7. echo "$greeting, world (planet)!" # $hello, world (planet)!
  8. # Double quotes escaped variables
  9. echo "\$greeting, world (planet)!" # $greeting, world (planet)!



Must not have whitespaces next to the equal sign.

Call them with a $.

  1. a=Hello
  2. b="Good Morning"
  3. c=16
  4. echo $a
  5. echo $b
  6. echo $c
  7. echo "$b! I have $c apples."


Special attributes

Declare vars with special attributes

  1. declare -i d=123 # d is an integer
  2. declare -r e=456 # e is read-only
  3. declare -l f="LOLCats" # f is lolcats
  4. declare -u g="LOLCats" # g is LOLCATS


Special Variables

  1. echo $PWD # Returns current directory
  2. echo $HOME # Returns home directory
  3. echo $MACHTYPE # Returns machine type eg. Mac x86_64-apple-darwin12
  4. echo $HOSTNAME # Host name
  5. echo $BASH_VERSION
  6. echo $SECONDS # seconds of the session open

Run commands inside variables.

  1. a=$(pwd)
  2. echo $a # current directory



To do arithmetic operations we need to wrap into (( )).

:boom: Only integers are supported.

Operation Operator
Exponentiation $a ** $b
Multiplication $a * $b
Division $a / $b
Modulo $a % $b
Addition $a + $b
Subtraction $a - $b
  1. echo $((2+3)) # 5
  2. d=2
  3. e=$((d+2)) # 4
  4. ((e++)) # 5
  5. ((e+=4))


Comparison operations

[[ expression ]] to run comparison expressions

Result is

  • 0: TRUE
  • 1: FALSE

Non-numeric comparison

The following work for non-numeric values:

Operation Operator
Less than [[ $a < $b ]]
Greater than [[ $a > $b ]]
Less than or equal to [[ $a <= $b ]]
Greater than or equal to [[ $a >= $b ]]
Equal [[ $a == $b ]]
Not equal [[ $a != $b ]]

Compare strings

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # this is a bash script
  3. echo working with Comparison operators
  4. [[ "cat" == "cat" ]]
  5. echo $?
  6. # 0


Integer comparison

For working with Integers use the following:

Operation Operator
Less than [[ $a -lt $b ]]
Greater than [[ $a -gt $b ]]
Less than or equal to [[ $a -le $b ]]
Greater than or equal to [[ $a -ge $b ]]
Equal [[ $a -eq $b ]]
Not equal [[ $a -ne $b ]]

Compare integers

  1. [[ 10 -gt 2 ]]
  2. echo $?
  3. # 0


Logic Operators

Operation Operator
Logical AND [[ $a && $b ]]
Logical OR [[ $a || $b ]]
Logical NOT [[ ! $a ]]


String Null Value

Operation Operator
String is null [[ -z $a ]].
String is not null [[ -n $a ]].

Check if string is null

  1. echo is string null?
  2. a=""
  3. b="cat"
  4. [[ -z $a ]]
  5. echo $?
  6. [[ -z $b ]]
  7. echo $?


File operators

Operator Operation Example
-L is symlink [[ -L $file ]]
-h is symlink [[ -h $file ]]
-d is directory [[ -d $file ]]
-e is archive [[ - $file ]]
-f is file [[ - $file ]]
-r is readable file [[ -r $file ]]
-w is writeable file [[ -w $file ]]
-x is executable file [[ -x $file ]]
-s is file size > 0 [[ -s $file ]]

More operators


Working with Strings

Concat strings

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # this is a bash script
  3. echo Working with Strings
  4. echo
  5. echo Concat strings
  6. a="hello"
  7. b="world"
  8. c=$a$b
  9. echo $c # helloworld


Length of strings

  1. echo 'Length of strings use #'
  2. echo ${#a} # 5
  3. echo



  1. echo Get the substring
  2. d=${c:3} # specify the starting point for the substring
  3. echo $d # loworld


With certain length

  1. echo Get substring with certain length
  2. e=${c:3:4} # in this case 4 is the length of the substring
  3. echo $e # lowo


Starting from the end

  1. echo Get substring starting from the end of the string
  2. f=${c: -4} # get the last 4 chars of the string
  3. echo $f # orld
  4. echo Now get the first 3 letters of the last 4 letters
  5. g=${c: -4:3}
  6. echo $g # orl
  7. echo


Replace string

  1. echo Replace string
  2. fruits="apple banana kiwi cherry"
  3. echo ${fruits/banana/melon} # replace banana with melon


Coloring and Styling text

Styled text tput

tput is a command that allows styling and coloring text


Style Command
Foreground tput setaf [0-7]
Background tput setab [0-7]
No Style tput sgr0
Bold tput bold
Low Intensity tput dim
Underline tput smul
Blinking tput blink
Reverse tput rev



Color setaf setab
Black 0 0
Red 1 1
Green 2 2
Yellow 3 3
Blue 4 4
Magenta 5 5
Cyan 6 6
White 7 7


Example script

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # this is a bash script
  3. echo 'Colors & Styles'
  4. echo
  5. flashred=$(tput setab 7; tput setaf 1; tput blink)
  6. red=$(tput setaf 1)
  7. none=$(tput sgr0)
  8. echo $flashred"ERROR:"$none$red" Something went wrong."$none

:boom: To see a list of tput commands type man terminfo



Date is not part of bash but it ships with Unix

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # this is a bash script
  3. echo 'DATE'
  4. echo
  5. echo 'Use the operator + to specify the date format'
  6. date +"%d-%m-%Y" # 30-may-1980 (day month year)
  7. date +"%H-%M-%S" # 20-40-24 (hour minutes seconds)



It is like echo but with more features
Printf comes with Unix, not bash, so you can save it with -v to a variable and print it with echo.

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # this is a bash script
  3. echo 'Printf'
  4. echo
  5. printf "Name:\t%s\nID:\t%04d\n" "Jorge" "27"
  6. # Name: Jorge
  7. # ID: 0027
  8. echo
  9. echo
  10. # %s and %04d indicate where to print the values Jorge and 27
  11. today=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y")
  12. time=$(date +"%H:%M:%S")
  13. printf -v d "Current User:\t%s\nDate:\t\t%s @ %s\n" $USER $today $time
  14. echo "$d"
  15. # Current User: user
  16. # Date: 20-03-2015 @ 10:23:42



Arrays don’t need commas.
They are initialized with () and called with [].

These arrays behave like JavaScript where the size is flexible.

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This is a bash script
  3. echo 'Arrays'
  4. echo
  5. a=()
  6. b=("apples" "bananas" "lemons")
  7. echo ${b[2]} # lemons
  8. b[5]="kiwi"
  9. echo ${b[@]} # apples bananas lemons kiwi
  10. b+=("oranges") # add at the end of the array
  11. echo ${b[@] : -1} # show the last element in the array


Associative Arrays

This type of arrays is more like the object literals in JavaScript where the keys are strings instead of numbers.

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This is a bash script
  3. echo 'Associative Arrays'
  4. echo
  5. # NOTE: This just works for Bash version > 4.0
  6. declare -A peopleAges
  7. peopleAges[John]=50
  8. peopleAges["John Wayne"]=79
  9. echo ${peopleAges["John Wayne"]}


Reading and writing text files

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This is a bash script
  3. echo 'Text Files'
  4. echo
  5. echo "Some Text" > file.txt # creates or overwrites file.txt with the string "Some Text"
  6. echo "Add this text" >> file.txt # Appends the string to the end of file.txt
  7. > file.txt # empties file.txt
  8. echo "Add this text" >> file.txt # Appends the string to the end of file.txt
  9. echo "text2" >> file.txt
  10. echo "text3" >> file.txt
  11. # this loop reads each line in file.txt
  12. while read f; do
  13. echo $f
  14. done < file.txt


Using a text file as an input for a command


  1. open
  2. user anonymous nothinghere
  3. ascii
  4. cd gutenberg
  5. get GUTINDEX.00

Using the file.txt as input

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This is a bash script
  3. echo 'Text File as input for a command'
  4. echo
  5. echo 'You can use cat to read a file'
  6. cat < file.txt
  7. echo
  8. echo 'You can use any command and use input from a file.'
  9. ftp -n < ftp.txt
  10. ls # you should see the GUTINDEX.00 file in your current directory


Here document

You can specify the start and end of an text as input to a command with a keyword.
In the following script you can see that it uses a text blob for cat and then another one for ftp.

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This is a bash script
  3. echo 'Here documents'
  4. echo
  5. echo 'Using here document to know until when to print cat.'
  6. cat << EndOfText
  7. This is a
  8. multiline
  9. text string
  10. EndOfText
  11. # cat will use input until it sees EndOfText #
  12. echo
  13. echo 'Using tabs with the dash flag'
  14. ftp -n <<- DoneWithTheUpdate
  15. open
  16. user anonymous nothinghere
  17. ascii
  18. cd gutenberg
  19. get GUTINDEX.01
  20. bye
  21. DoneWithTheUpdate
  22. # this marks the end of the input for the command ftp #


The if statement

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # The if statement
  3. echo 'if statement'
  4. a=2000
  5. if [ $a -gt 1000 ]
  6. then
  7. echo $a is greater than 1000!
  8. else
  9. echo $a is not greater than 1000
  10. fi


The if statement using regular expressions.

  1. echo 'if statement using regular expressions'
  2. s="This is 1 string!"
  3. if [[ $s =~ [0-9]+ ]]; then # Note the double square brackets are used because Regex also uses them.
  4. echo "There are some numbers in the string: $s"
  5. else
  6. echo "There are no numbers in the string: $s"
  7. fi


The while loop

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # The while loop
  3. i=0
  4. while [ $i -le 9 ] ; do
  5. echo i:$i
  6. ((i+=1))
  7. done
  8. # result
  9. # i:0
  10. # i:1
  11. # i:2
  12. # i:3
  13. # i:4
  14. # i:5
  15. # i:6
  16. # i:7
  17. # i:8
  18. # i:9


The until loop

The oposite of the while loop.

  1. # the Until loop
  2. j=0
  3. until [ $j -ge 10 ]; do
  4. echo j:$j
  5. ((j+=1))
  6. done
  7. # result
  8. # j:0
  9. # j:1
  10. # j:2
  11. # j:3
  12. # j:4
  13. # j:5
  14. # j:6
  15. # j:7
  16. # j:8
  17. # j:9


The for loop

  1. for i in 1 2 3
  2. do
  3. echo $i
  4. done


With brace expansion

  1. for j in {1..20}
  2. do
  3. echo $j
  4. done


Like in C languages

  1. for (( i=1; i<=10; i++))
  2. do
  3. echo $i
  4. done


Looping through an array

  1. arr=("apple" "banana" "lemon")
  2. for i in ${arr[@]}
  3. do
  4. echo $i
  5. done


Use the output of a command

  1. for i in $(ls)
  2. do
  3. echo $i
  4. done


Switch case

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. a="dog"
  3. case $a in
  4. cat) echo "Feline";;
  5. dog|puppy) echo "Canine";; # dog or puppy
  6. *) echo "No match!";; # default case
  7. esac



  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Function
  3. function greet {
  4. echo "Hello $1 good $2"
  5. }
  6. echo "And now meeting"
  7. greet Jorge morning
  8. You can exit the function with `return` or exit the script with `exit 0`


With unspecified parameters

  1. function listallthings {
  2. i=0
  3. for f in $@; do
  4. echo $i: $f
  5. ((i+=1))
  6. done
  7. }
  8. listallthings $(ls)



Operator meaning
$1 First argument
$@ Array of all arguments
$# Count of arguments
  1. for i in $@; do
  2. echo $i
  3. done
  4. echo "there are $# arguments"



The colon after the flag means that the flag is required.
The first colon means that any unknown flag will be passed too.
In the following case it says that the flags u and p are required. The a and b are optional.

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Flags
  3. while getopts :u:p:ab option; do
  4. case $option in
  5. u) user=$OPTARG;;
  6. p) pass=$OPTARG;;
  7. a) echo "Got the A flag";;
  8. b) echo "Got the B flag";;
  9. ?) echo "Unknown flag";;
  10. esac
  11. done
  12. echo "User $user password $pass"


Input during execution

More flads for read command

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. echo "What is your name?"
  3. read name
  4. echo "What is your password?"
  5. read -s pass # -s is secret mode so it won't display the input
  6. read -p "What is your favorite animal? " animal # -p allows to use inline input
  7. echo name: $name pass: $pass animal: $animal


Input with Select

Similar to HTML Select/option. It only accepts numbers as input.

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Select
  3. select option in "cat" "dog" "quit"
  4. do
  5. case $option in
  6. cat) echo "Cats like to sleep";;
  7. dog) echo "Dogs like to play";;
  8. quit) break;;
  9. *) echo "Unknown command";;
  10. esac
  11. done


Ensuring a response

Patterns to ensure a response from the user

Requiring a minimum of arguments

  1. if [ $# -lt 3 ] ; then
  2. cat <<- EOM
  3. This command requires three arguments:
  4. username, userid and favorite number.
  5. EOM
  6. else
  7. # the program goes here
  8. echo "Username: $1"
  9. echo "UserID: $2"
  10. echo "Favorite Number: $3"
  11. fi


Requiring an input

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Ensuring - pattern 2
  3. read -p "Favorite animal? " a
  4. while [[ -z $a ]] ; do
  5. read -p "I need an answer! " a
  6. done
  7. echo "$a was selected"


Validating input with regular expressions

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Ensuring - pattern 3
  3. read -p "What year? [nnnn] " a
  4. while [[ ! $a =~ [0-9]{4} ]]; do
  5. read -p "A year, please! [nnnn] " a
  6. done
  7. echo "Selected year: $a"


Import files

In this case we are importing config/

  1. source config/

Find directories

  1. find / -type d -name 'httpdocs

The first parameter / is where to look

-name could be -iname to ignore case

also -type is not mandatory


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