Priorities in a Product
- Market
- Marketing
- Aesthetics
- Functionality
- If a market is less than $100 million or so, you won’t find Microsoft
- Aim to own the majority of a $500,000/y market
- In general, since niche markets are small they have less competition, hence higher profit margins
- www.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_occupations
- bfs.gov/news.release/ocwage.t01.htm
- entrepreneur.com/businessideas
- ahbbo.com/ideas.html
- ycombinator.com/ideas.html
- Determine the carefloor budget
Build estimates
- sitemap
- wireframes
- frontend 4-12 hours per view
- DB 10-20 hours
- Backend 10-40 hours per task
- Sales website + docs + marketing ~ 100 - 200 hours
- Consumer products (hobbies) ~ $29 fixed price or $14/month
- Consumer money savers $49 fixed or $19/month
- Small biz ~ $400 fixed or $99/month
- Large biz ~ $1k fixed or $199/month
Article about Camels and Rubber Ducks
- What would I pay / feel right?
- How much money does it save or generate to the user