Bottleneck |
There is a bottleneck for any process in any goal and focusing constraints would speed up the process. |
Critical Path |
List up all the tasks that require to accomplish the goal and estimate time and the dependencies between the activities to identify the best flaw of the project. |
ICE Framework |
Identify the most important option by scaling 1 - 10 in three dimensions: impact, confidence, and ease. |
Eisenhower Matrix |
Categorize the tasks by urgent, not urgent, important, and not important using Eisenhower Box. |
Regret Minimization Framework |
Imagine yourself what you will be regret if you were on your deathbed looking back on this moment to see what decision you should make now. |
The One Thing |
Figuring out what matters most, and when you’re doing that ONE Thing, eliminate distraction. |
Productivity Pyramid |
Categorize your daily tasks and goals by drawing a pyramid and label levels from top: High Lifetime Value, High $ per hour, Low $ per hour, Zero/Negative. |
First Things First |
Do the most important thing first. |
True North |
Be aware of your values. |
Sufficiency vs. Maximization |
Be aware of which type of return that task will lead, diminishing returns or exponential returns. For diminishing returns, work on just sufficiency level and for exponential returns, work on maximization. |
Hurdle Rate |
The minimum rate of the return on a project or investment and it also denotes appropriate compensation for the level of risk present. “If you’re not a ‘Hell Yes!’ on the new opportunity, then say no.” |
First Principles |
(Elon Musk principle) What should be done even if it seems impossible? How can I increase its odds of happening? |
Seven Levels Of System Intervention |
How can I influence the system in the way I want with the least amount of effort? |