


  • AppSec
  • Bubble.is




  • Elm tutorial
  • cookie limits
  • Ingenico TetraJS
  • HTTP header Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  • AWS CloudFront cache invalidation


  • http2 loading
  • materializecss
  • UMD (Universal Module Definition)
  • how to convert a string to string template literals
  • how to stream video from device’s camera on web
  • NodeJS querystring for stringifying to POST in form-urlencoded format
  • responsive CSS tables
  • deploy apps using zeit now
  • Dockerfile
  • web manifest
  • Postman environments
  • HTTP header X-Forwarded-For


  • Google Analytics event tracking
  • Facebook Pixel
  • npm package redux-form
  • npm package redux-async-connect
  • jscodeshift code modifiers
  • npm package express-http-proxy
  • npm package http-proxy
  • node --inspect --debug debug with Chrome DevTools
  • GitHub release tags
  • Slack slash commands
  • Responsive tables with content: & data-title
  • npm dependencies vs peerDependencies
  • Redux DevTools
  • npm package twilio for phone validation
  • npm package express-session
  • npm package connect-redis
  • Zeit now deployment
  • React context


  • Redux connect
  • ExpressJS middleware
  • ExpressJS cookies
  • ExpressJS sending email
  • ExpressJS app clusters scaling
  • ExpressJS uncaught server exceptions
  • webpack embedded CSS


  • Google Maps rectangles
  • Redux async actions
  • C# Tuple, Dictionary
  • Facebook SDK - comments
  • Twitter embeds


  1. EventSourcing
  2. CQRS
  3. Websockets with Pusher public channels
  4. npm pg (postgres)
  5. AWS RDS (postgres)
  6. Google Maps custom markers
  7. Instagram’s fetch API
  8. Parse a RSS feed to JSON in NodeJS
  9. Fundamentals of AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)


  1. Fibonacci sequence
  2. Web Intl API
  3. btoa / atob base64
  4. node spawn child_process
  5. npm chalk
  6. npm select-shell
  7. String replace using functions to convert from PascalCase to lower-case
  8. bundling with browserify using entry files generated on run-time
  9. Abstract Synthax Tree (AST)


  1. AWS S3
  2. AWS CloudFront (CDN)
  3. EventSource CQRS (essentials)
  4. How to pop a HTML/CSS modal without Javascript
  5. How to run Unix commands on NodeJS
  6. AWS ElasticBeanstack
  7. CircleCI + AWS ElasticBeanstack
  8. How to display a PDF inside a web page
  9. How to convert React to PDF from NodeJS
  10. Browserify with NodeJS script (instead of gulp or CLI)
  11. Graph Representation
  12. Browserify + Uglifyify + Babelify run from NodeJS script
  13. How to serve a PDF from Buffer to browser using data:application/pdf
  14. MomentJS
  15. NumeralJS
  16. JS animation using setInterval


  1. CSS Flexbox
  2. How to use LocalStorage with Redux
  3. Convert HTML to PDF
  4. SentryJS with source maps
  5. AWS essential training
  6. AWS EC2


  1. BabelJS v6
  2. Insertion Sort algorithm
  3. JSX with pure functions (stateless)
  4. Quick Sort algorithm
  5. Recursive algorithms
  6. Selection Sort algorithm
  7. SentryJS with tags & user tracking.
  8. Towers of Hanoi algorithm
  9. vim vundle and plugins
  10. Websockets with PusherJS (basics)


  1. Array.reduce()
  2. Asymptotic Notation (BigO)
  3. BabelJS v5
  4. bash
  5. Binary Search
  6. BrowserifyJS
  7. CircleCI
  8. CodeCov.io
  9. ESLint
  10. FluxJS
  11. EcmaScript 6 (2015)
  12. EventSourceJS
  13. ExpressJS
  14. Functional Programming
  15. Google Maps API (basics)
  16. git
  17. GitHub workflow
  18. grep
  19. Gzip in NodeJS apps
  20. Heroku
  21. How to write less complex code using inline code.
  22. iTerm2
  23. JIRA Agile
  24. JSX inline styles
  25. Localization (basics)
  26. Mermaid flowcharts & sequence diagrams
  27. MomentJS
  28. mocha (unit test)
  29. Node CLI scripts
  30. NodeJS
  31. node-inspector
  32. npm
  33. npm scripts
  34. Open Source contributions
  35. ReduxJS
  36. Salt-stack (basics)
  37. Server-side rendering
  38. SVG icons with React instead of fonts
  39. SVG graphs
  40. tape (unit test)
  41. Tmux
  42. zsh (oh-my-zsh)


  1. AJAX
  2. BackboneJS
  3. Browser polyfills
  4. browserify
  5. CSS Bootstrap
  6. CSS (Less, Sass, Stylus)
  7. CSS3 Animations
  8. CSS3 Transforms
  9. CSV parsing
  10. C#/.Net
  11. Geolocation (Browser API)
  12. Gulp
  13. HTML5 video
  14. Jest (Unit test)
  15. Jenkins
  16. Local Storage (Browser API)
  17. MixpanelJS
  18. OSX
  19. ReactJS
  20. SQL basics
  21. svn
  22. Ubuntu (GUI)
  23. Vagrant
  24. vim
  25. Virtual Box


  1. App Store and Play Store - app registration flow
  2. CSS
  3. CSS Media Queries
  4. Google Analytics
  5. JQuery
  6. MailChimp
  7. Modernizr polyfills
  8. Product Management
  9. UI mocks with Adobe Illustrator
  10. UX & wire-frames


  1. .NET (fundamentals)
  2. C, C++, C# (basics)
  3. Computer Science (fundamentals)
  4. HTML, CSS, JavaScript (basics)
  5. Programming basics (loops, basic data structures)
  6. SQL (fundamentals)