Filesystem Persistence
- never trust an uploaded file
- verify that the filename is alphanumeric
- the file could be a malicious executable
- save the file in a cloud storage eg. S3
Cloud Persistence
ACL: 'private',
Bucket: 'uploads',
Key: filename,
Body: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/tmp/' + filename)
Database Persistence
Types of NoSQL DB
- document DB
- key-value DB
- NoSQL databases support concurrency to scale performance
Document DB
- document DB excel at storing objects
- great fit for Node and JS
- MongoDB is the leading document DB
MongoDB DBaaS
MongoDB npm packages
- mongodb - low-level driver for MongoDB
- mongoose - Object Document Mapper (ODM)
- session-mongoose - to manage session storage
Key-value DB
- are good for data schemas that are easily mapped into key-value pairs
Redis npm packages