
HTTP is stateless.

  • Every request is independent of the previous ones
  • Cookies & sessions save state

Cookies are visible to users

Signed Cookies can obfuscate its contents but not encrypt

Don’t trust cookies

  • Use signed cookies to ensure they’re not tampered
  • cookies can be used for XSS attacks

Prefer session over cookies

  • Sessions use cookies but they are safer
  • Express knows how to handle sessions


  1. // Set
  2. res.cookie(
  3. SessionCookie.COOKIE_NAME,
  4. sessionId,
  5. SessionCookie.makeOptions(
  6. cookieDomain,
  7. SessionCookie.DEFAULT_MAX_AGE
  8. )
  9. )
  10. .redirect(nextUrl);
  11. // Get on request
  12. req.cookies.session_id
  • store state on client
  • npm module cookie-session
  • helps to handle storing info in the client
  • npm module express-session will store info in the express server (in memory) instead of the client. You can leverage NoSql to sync multi node instances.
  • Sessions are useful to save user preferences, auth info, tracking, etc.

Externalizing Credentials

Cookie secret makes cookies secure.

  • it’s a string that’s known to the server and used to encrypt secure cookies before they’re sent to the client.
  • it can be a random string eg. Password generator tool

Parse cookies

  • npm module cookie-parser is a middleware to handle cookies.
  • app.use(require('cookie-parser')(credentials.cookieSecret));

Set cookies

  1. res.cookie('monster', 'nom nom');
  2. res.cookie('signed_monster', 'nom nom', {signed: true});


  • controls the domain and subdomains for the cookie
  • Cookie must be assigned to the same domain as its server. Otherwise it won’t do nothing.


  • controls the path this cookie applies to


  • expiration time in milliseconds
  • this is simpler than expires


  • if true will send cookie only over a secure HTTPS connection


  • states that this cookie can only be modified by the server
  • this prevents XSS attacks


  • set to true to sign the cookie
  • tampered signed cookies will be rejected by the server and will reset the cookies value.

Retrieve cookies from client

  1. var monster =;
  2. var signedMonster =;
  1. res.clearCookie('monster');