Quick Sort
Sorting algorithm
- Uses divide and conquer strategy.
- Recursive algorithm.
- The divide step does most of the work.
- The merge step does nothing.
Worst case | Best case |
Θ($$n^2$$) | Θ($$nlogn$$) |
In practice Quick Sort outperforms Merge Sort, Insertion Sort and Selection Sort.
Divide by choosing any element (pivot) in the sub-array array[p..r].
- Arrange the elements smaller than pivot to its left.
- Then arrange the elements bigger than the pivot to its right.
- The elements don’t have to be in order. Just to the correct side of the pivot.
Recursively call the divide step until the sub-arrays less than 2 elements long.
Just concatenate the sub-arrays. Since the elements got sorted on the partitioning, there is no work left to do.
My example
function partition (array, leftArray, rightArray, pivot) {
if (!array.length) {
return {leftArray, rightArray};
const newLeftArray = array[0] < pivot ?
[...leftArray, array[0]] :
const newRightArray = array[0] < pivot ?
rightArray.slice(0) :
[...rightArray, array[0]];
const newArray = array.slice(1);
return partition(newArray, newLeftArray, newRightArray, pivot);
function quickSort (array) {
// When to stop
if (array.length < 2) {
return array;
// Divide
const pivot = array[array.length - 1];
const { leftArray, rightArray } = partition(
array.slice(0, array.length - 1), [], [], pivot);
// Conquer
const sortedLeftArray = quickSort(leftArray);
const sortedRightArray = quickSort(rightArray)
const sortedArray = [...sortedLeftArray, pivot, ...sortedRightArray];
return sortedArray;