Health check

With the gRPC Health Checking Protocol

To use the gRPC health checking protocol you must add the two health checking methods, Watch and Check.

Registering the health server

  1. Add to your imports
  2. Register the health server with grpc_health_v1.RegisterHealthServer(grpcServer, yourService)

Adding the health check methods

  1. Check method
  1. func (s *serviceServer) Check(ctx context.Context, in *health.HealthCheckRequest) (*health.HealthCheckResponse, error) {
  2. return &health.HealthCheckResponse{Status: health.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING}, nil
  3. }
  1. Watch method
  1. func (s *serviceServer) Watch(in *health.HealthCheckRequest, _ health.Health_WatchServer) error {
  2. // Example of how to register both methods but only implement the Check method.
  3. return status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, "unimplemented")
  4. }
  1. You can test the functionality with GRPC health probe.

Adding /healthz endpoint to runtime.ServeMux

To automatically register a /healthz endpoint in your ServeMux you can use the ServeMuxOption WithHealthzEndpoint which takes in a connection to your registered gRPC server.

This endpoint will forward a request to the Check method described above to really check the health of the whole system, not only the gateway itself. If your server doesn’t implement the health checking protocol each request to /healthz will result in the following:

  1. {"code":12,"message":"unknown service","details":[]}

If you’ve implemented multiple services in your server you can target specific services with the ?service=<service> query parameter. This will then be added to the health.HealthCheckRequest in the Service property. With that you can write your own logic to handle that in the health checking methods.

Analogously, to register an {/endpoint/path} endpoint in your ServeMux with a user-defined endpoint path, you can use the ServeMuxOption WithHealthEndpointAt, which accepts a connection to your registered gRPC server together with a custom endpointPath string parameter.