COPY TO is used to export the contents of a table to a file.

The syntax for using COPY TO is as follows:


  1. COPY tbl TO '/xxx/xxx/output.parquet' WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet');

The command starts with the keyword COPY, followed by the name of the table you want to export data from (tbl in this case).

TO specifies the file path and name to save the exported data (/xxx/xxx/output.parquet in this case).

WITH Option

WITH adds options such as the file FORMAT which specifies the format of the exported file. In this example, the format is Parquet; it is a columnar storage format used for big data processing. Parquet efficiently compresses and encodes columnar data for big data analytics.

FORMATTarget file(s) format, e.g., JSON, CSV, ParquetRequired


COPY TO supports exporting data to cloud storage services like S3. See connect-to-s3 for more detail.


COPY FROM is used to import data from a file into a table.

The syntax for using COPY FROM is as follows:


  1. COPY [<db>.]<table_name>
  2. FROM { '<path>/[<filename>]' }
  3. [ [ WITH ]
  4. (
  5. [ FORMAT = { parquet } ]
  6. [ PATTERN = '<regex_pattern>' ]
  7. )
  8. ]

The command starts with the keyword COPY, followed by the name of the table you want to import data into.

WITH Option

FORMAT specifies the file format of the imported file. In this example, the format is Parquet.

The option PATTERN allows the usage of wildcard characters like * to specify multiple input files that match a certain pattern. For example, you can use the following syntax to import all files in the directory(which must be an absolute path) “/path/to/folder” with the filename that contains parquet:


  1. COPY tbl FROM '/path/to/folder/' WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet', PATTERN = '.*parquet.*');

Specifically, if you only have one file to import, you can use the following syntax:


  1. COPY tbl FROM '/path/to/folder/xxx.parquet' WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet');
FORMATTarget file(s) format, e.g., JSON, CSV, ParquetRequired
PATTERNUse regex to match files. e.g., *_today.parquetOptional


COPY FROM also supports importing data from cloud storage services like S3. See connect-to-s3 for more detail.

Connect to S3

You can copy data from/to S3


  1. -- COPY FROM
  2. COPY tbl FROM '<URL>' WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet') CONNECTION(REGION = 'us-west-2');
  3. -- COPY TO
  4. COPY tbl TO '<URL>' WITH (FORMAT = 'parquet') CONNECTION(REGION = 'us-west-2');


Notes: You should specify a file using S3://bucket/key-name. The following example shows the correct format.

  1. s3://my-bucket/data.parquet

Another way is using Virtual-hosted–style(ENABLE_VIRTUAL_HOST_STYLE must be set to true to enable this). The following example shows the correct format.

  1. s3://


You can use Copy S3 URI or COPY URL on S3 console to get S3 URI/HTTP URL prefix or full path.


You can set the following CONNECTION options:

REGIONAWS region name. e.g., us-west-2Required
ENDPOINTThe bucket endpoint. e.g.,
ACCESS_KEY_IDACCESS_KEY_ID Your access key ID for connecting the AWS S3 compatible object storage.Optional
SECRET_ACCESS_KEYYour secret access key for connecting the AWS S3 compatible object storage.Optional
ENABLE_VIRTUAL_HOST_STYLEIf you use virtual hosting to address the bucket, set it to “true”.Optional
SESSION_TOKENYour temporary credential for connecting the AWS S3 service.Optional