
GreptimeDB is compatible with MySQL protocol, use mysql client to connect to GreptimeDB server.


  1. # is GreptimeDB's host and 4002 is the default MySQL port
  2. $ mysql -h -P 4002

If authentication has been setup on the server side, use -u param to set username and -p to indicate password.


  1. # replace greptime_user with your account username
  2. $ mysql -h -P 4002 -u greptime_user -p

Time Zone

GreptimeDB’s MySQL protocol interface follows original MySQL server on how to deal with time zone.

By default, MySQL uses its server time zone for timestamp. To override, you can set time_zone variable for current session using SQL statement SET time_zone = 'UTC';. The value of time_zone can be any of:

  • The server’s time zone: SYSTEM.
  • Offset to UTC such as +08:00.
  • Any named time zone like Europe/Berlin.

A few MySQL clients like Grafana MySQL data source allows you to set time zone for current session. It is also possible to check time_zone variable for current session by SQL statement SELECT @@time_zone;.


GreptimeDB supports sending SQL statements through HTTP API. For information on how to set up authentication, please refer to HTTP API.

Write Data

Please refer to SQL.

Query Data

Please refer to SQL.