16.3 Reading Messages
Reading Messages in the View
The most common place that you need messages is inside the view. Use the message tag for this:
<g:message code="my.localized.content" />
As long as you have a key in your messages.properties
(with appropriate locale suffix) such as the one below then Grails will look up the message:
my.localized.content=Hola, me llamo John. Hoy es domingo.
Messages can also include arguments, for example:
<g:message code="my.localized.content" args="${ ['Juan', 'lunes'] }" />
The message declaration specifies positional parameters which are dynamically specified:
my.localized.content=Hola, me llamo {0}. Hoy es {1}.
Reading Messages in Grails Artifacts with MessageSource
In a Grails artifact, you can inject messageSource
and use the method getMessage
with the arguments: message code, message arguments, default message and locale to retrieve a message.
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource
class MyappController {
MessageSource messageSource
def show() {
def msg = messageSource.getMessage('my.localized.content', ['Juan', 'lunes'] as Object[], 'Default Message', request.locale)
Reading Messages in Controllers and Tag Libraries with the Message Tag
Additionally, you can read a message inside Controllers and Tag Libraries with the Message Tag. However, using the message tag relies on GSP support which a Grails application may not necessarily have; e.g. a rest application.
In a controller, you can invoke tags as methods.
def show() {
def msg = message(code: "my.localized.content", args: ['Juan', 'lunes'])
The same technique can be used in tag libraries, but if your tag library uses a custom namespace then you must prefix the call with g.
def myTag = { attrs, body ->
def msg = g.message(code: "my.localized.content", args: ['Juan', 'lunes'])