7.1 Quick Start Guide
A domain class can be created with the create-domain-class command:
grails create-domain-class helloworld.Person
If no package is specified with the create-domain-class script, Grails automatically uses the application name as the package name. |
This will create a class at the location grails-app/domain/helloworld/Person.groovy
such as the one below:
package helloworld
class Person {
If you have the dbCreate property set to "update", "create" or "create-drop" on your DataSource, Grails will automatically generate/modify the database tables for you. |
You can customize the class by adding properties:
class Person {
String name
Integer age
Date lastVisit
Once you have a domain class try and manipulate it with the shell or console by typing:
grails console
This loads an interactive GUI where you can run Groovy commands with access to the Spring ApplicationContext, GORM, etc.