GORM 允许通过 indexuniqueIndex 标签创建索引,这些索引将在使用 GORM 进行AutoMigrate 或 Createtable 时创建


GORM 可以接受很多索引设置,例如classtypewherecommentexpressionsortcollateoption


  1. type User struct {
  2. Name string `gorm:"index"`
  3. Name2 string `gorm:"index:idx_name,unique"`
  4. Name3 string `gorm:"index:,sort:desc,collate:utf8,type:btree,length:10,where:name3 != 'jinzhu'"`
  5. Name4 string `gorm:"uniqueIndex"`
  6. Age int64 `gorm:"index:,class:FULLTEXT,comment:hello \\, world,where:age > 10"`
  7. Age2 int64 `gorm:"index:,expression:ABS(age)"`
  8. }
  9. // MySQL 选项
  10. type User struct {
  11. Name string `gorm:"index:,class:FULLTEXT,option:WITH PARSER ngram INVISIBLE"`
  12. }
  13. // PostgreSQL 选项
  14. type User struct {
  15. Name string `gorm:"index:,option:CONCURRENTLY"`
  16. }


uniqueIndex 标签的作用与 index 类似,它等效于 index:,unique

  1. type User struct {
  2. Name1 string `gorm:"uniqueIndex"`
  3. Name2 string `gorm:"uniqueIndex:idx_name,sort:desc"`
  4. }



  1. // create composite index `idx_member` with columns `name`, `number`
  2. type User struct {
  3. Name string `gorm:"index:idx_member"`
  4. Number string `gorm:"index:idx_member"`
  5. }



您可以使用 priority 指定顺序,默认优先级值是 10,如果优先级值相同,则顺序取决于模型结构体字段的顺序

  1. type User struct {
  2. Name string `gorm:"index:idx_member"`
  3. Number string `gorm:"index:idx_member"`
  4. }
  5. // column order: name, number
  6. type User struct {
  7. Name string `gorm:"index:idx_member,priority:2"`
  8. Number string `gorm:"index:idx_member,priority:1"`
  9. }
  10. // column order: number, name
  11. type User struct {
  12. Name string `gorm:"index:idx_member,priority:12"`
  13. Number string `gorm:"index:idx_member"`
  14. }
  15. // column order: number, name

Shared composite indexes

If you are creating shared composite indexes with an embedding struct, you can’t specify the index name, as embedding the struct more than once results in the duplicated index name in db.

In this case, you can use index tag composite, it means the id of the composite index. All fields which have the same composite id of the struct are put together to the same index, just like the original rule. But the improvement is it lets the most derived/embedding struct generates the name of index by NamingStrategy. For example:

  1. type Foo struct {
  2. IndexA int `gorm:"index:,unique,composite:myname"`
  3. IndexB int `gorm:"index:,unique,composite:myname"`
  4. }

If the table Foo is created, the name of composite index will be idx_foo_myname.

  1. type Bar0 struct {
  2. Foo
  3. }
  4. type Bar1 struct {
  5. Foo
  6. }

Respectively, the name of composite index is idx_bar0_myname and idx_bar1_myname.

composite only works if not specify the name of index.


A field accepts multiple index, uniqueIndex tags that will create multiple indexes on a field

  1. type UserIndex struct {
  2. OID int64 `gorm:"index:idx_id;index:idx_oid,unique"`
  3. MemberNumber string `gorm:"index:idx_id"`
  4. }