GORM officially supports databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server
import (
func main() {
// refer https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#dsn-data-source-name for details
dsn := "user:pass@tcp("
db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
To handletime.Time
correctly, you need to includeparseTime
as a parameter. (more parameters)
To fully support UTF-8 encoding, you need to changecharset=utf8
. See this article for a detailed explanation
MySQL Driver provides few advanced configurations can be used during initialization, for example:
db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
DSN: "gorm:gorm@tcp(", // data source name
DefaultStringSize: 256, // default size for string fields
DisableDatetimePrecision: true, // disable datetime precision, which not supported before MySQL 5.6
DontSupportRenameIndex: true, // drop & create when rename index, rename index not supported before MySQL 5.7, MariaDB
DontSupportRenameColumn: true, // `change` when rename column, rename column not supported before MySQL 8, MariaDB
SkipInitializeWithVersion: false, // auto configure based on currently MySQL version
}), &gorm.Config{})
Customize Driver
GORM allows customize the MySQL driver with the DriverName
option, for example:
import (
_ "example.com/my_mysql_driver"
db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
DriverName: "my_mysql_driver",
DSN: "gorm:gorm@tcp(localhost:9910)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local", // data source name, refer https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#dsn-data-source-name
}), &gorm.Config{})
Existing database connection
GORM allows to initialize *gorm.DB
with an existing database connection
import (
sqlDB, err := sql.Open("mysql", "mydb_dsn")
gormDB, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
Conn: sqlDB,
}), &gorm.Config{})
import (
dsn := "host=localhost user=gorm password=gorm dbname=gorm port=9920 sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai"
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
We are using pgx as postgres’s database/sql driver, it enables prepared statement cache by default, to disable it:
// https://github.com/go-gorm/postgres
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
DSN: "user=gorm password=gorm dbname=gorm port=9920 sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai",
PreferSimpleProtocol: true, // disables implicit prepared statement usage
}), &gorm.Config{})
Customize Driver
GORM allows customize the PostgreSQL driver with the DriverName
option, for example:
import (
_ "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloudsql-proxy/proxy/dialers/postgres"
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
DriverName: "cloudsqlpostgres",
DSN: "host=project:region:instance user=postgres dbname=postgres password=password sslmode=disable",
Existing database connection
GORM allows to initialize *gorm.DB
with an existing database connection
import (
sqlDB, err := sql.Open("pgx", "mydb_dsn")
gormDB, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
Conn: sqlDB,
}), &gorm.Config{})
import (
"gorm.io/driver/sqlite" // Sqlite driver based on GGO
// "github.com/glebarez/sqlite" // Pure go SQLite driver, checkout https://github.com/glebarez/sqlite for details
// github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{})
NOTE: You can also use
instead of a path to a file. This will tell SQLite to use a temporary database in system memory. (See SQLite docs for this)
SQL Server
import (
// github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb
dsn := "sqlserver://gorm:LoremIpsum86@localhost:9930?database=gorm"
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlserver.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
import (
func main() {
dsn := "tcp://localhost:9000?database=gorm&username=gorm&password=gorm&read_timeout=10&write_timeout=20"
db, err := gorm.Open(clickhouse.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
// Auto Migrate
// Set table options
db.Set("gorm:table_options", "ENGINE=Distributed(cluster, default, hits)").AutoMigrate(&User{})
// Insert
// Select
db.Find(&user, "id = ?", 10)
// Batch Insert
var users = []User{user1, user2, user3}
// ...
Connection Pool
GORM using database/sql to maintain connection pool
sqlDB, err := db.DB()
// SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
// SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.
// SetConnMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
Refer Generic Interface for details
Unsupported Databases
Some databases may be compatible with the mysql
or postgres
dialect, in which case you could just use the dialect for those databases.
For others, you are encouraged to make a driver, pull request welcome!