自定义回调处理是最常见的接口开发实现,开发中只需要对接口中的部分方法进行替换与修改,在驱动默认实现逻辑中注入自定义逻辑。所有的SQL语句执行必定会通过DoQuery或者DoExec或者 DoFilter接口,根据需求在自定义的驱动中实现并覆盖相关接口方法实现所需功能即可。


    1. package driver
    2. import (
    3. "context"
    4. "github.com/gogf/gf/contrib/drivers/mysql/v2"
    5. "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/database/gdb"
    6. "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/os/gtime"
    7. )
    8. // MyDriver is a custom database driver, which is used for testing only.
    9. // For simplifying the unit testing case purpose, MyDriver struct inherits the mysql driver
    10. // gdb.Driver and overwrites its functions DoQuery and DoExec.
    11. // So if there's any sql execution, it goes through MyDriver.DoQuery/MyDriver.DoExec firstly
    12. // and then gdb.Driver.DoQuery/gdb.Driver.DoExec.
    13. // You can call it sql "HOOK" or "HiJack" as your will.
    14. type MyDriver struct {
    15. *mysql.Driver
    16. }
    17. var (
    18. // customDriverName is my driver name, which is used for registering.
    19. customDriverName = "MyDriver"
    20. )
    21. func init() {
    22. // It here registers my custom driver in package initialization function "init".
    23. // You can later use this type in the database configuration.
    24. if err := gdb.Register(customDriverName, &MyDriver{}); err != nil {
    25. panic(err)
    26. }
    27. }
    28. // New creates and returns a database object for mysql.
    29. // It implements the interface of gdb.Driver for extra database driver installation.
    30. func (d *MyDriver) New(core *gdb.Core, node *gdb.ConfigNode) (gdb.DB, error) {
    31. return &MyDriver{
    32. &mysql.Driver{
    33. Core: core,
    34. },
    35. }, nil
    36. }
    37. // DoCommit commits current sql and arguments to underlying sql driver.
    38. func (d *MyDriver) DoCommit(ctx context.Context, in gdb.DoCommitInput) (out gdb.DoCommitOutput, err error) {
    39. tsMilliStart := gtime.TimestampMilli()
    40. out, err = d.Core.DoCommit(ctx, in)
    41. tsMilliFinished := gtime.TimestampMilli()
    42. _, _ = in.Link.ExecContext(ctx,
    43. "INSERT INTO `monitor`(`sql`,`cost`,`time`,`error`) VALUES(?,?,?,?)",
    44. gdb.FormatSqlWithArgs(in.Sql, in.Args),
    45. tsMilliFinished-tsMilliStart,
    46. gtime.Now(),
    47. err,
    48. )
    49. return
    50. }

    我们看到,这里在包初始化方法init中使用了gdb.Register("MyDriver", &MyDriver{})来注册了了一个自定义名称的驱动。我们也可以通过gdb.Register("mysql", &MyDriver{})来覆盖已有的框架mysql驱动为自己的驱动。



    1. database:
    2. default:
    3. - link: "MyDriver:root:12345678@tcp("