$ gf build -h
gf build FILE [OPTION]
FILE building file path.
-n, --name output binary name
-v, --version output binary version
-a, --arch output binary architecture, multiple arch separated with ','
-s, --system output binary system, multiple os separated with ','
-o, --output output binary path, used when building single binary file
-p, --path output binary directory path, default is './bin'
-e, --extra extra custom "go build" options
-m, --mod like "-mod" option of "go build", use "-m none" to disable go module
-c, --cgo enable or disable cgo feature, it's disabled in default
--pack pack specified folder into packed/data.go before building.
--swagger auto parse and pack swagger into packed/swagger.go before building.
gf build main.go
gf build main.go --swagger
gf build main.go --pack public,template
gf build main.go --cgo
gf build main.go -m none
gf build main.go -n my-app -a all -s all
gf build main.go -n my-app -a amd64,386 -s linux -p .
gf build main.go -n my-app -v 1.0 -a amd64,386 -s linux,windows,darwin -p ./docker/bin
The "build" command is most commonly used command, which is designed as a powerful wrapper for
"go build" command for convenience cross-compiling usage.
It provides much more features for building binary:
1. Cross-Compiling for many platforms and architectures.
2. Configuration file support for compiling.
3. Build-In Variables.
darwin amd64
freebsd 386,amd64,arm
linux 386,amd64,arm,arm64,ppc64,ppc64le,mips,mipsle,mips64,mips64le
netbsd 386,amd64,arm
openbsd 386,amd64,arm
windows 386,amd64
框架的项目,支持绝大部分常见系统的直接交叉编译。并且支持配置文件管理编译选项、嵌入编译时变量。使用gf build
的项目将会默认嵌入以下变量(参考gf -v
- 当前
版本。 - 当前
版本。 - 当前编译时间。
- 当前
Git Commit
name = "gf"
arch = "all"
system = "all"
mod = "none"
cgo = 0
pack = ""
version = "v1.0.0"
output = "./bin"
extra = ""
名称 | 必须 | 默认值 | 含义 | 示例 |
name | 否 | 与程序入口go文件同名 | 生成的可执行文件名称。如果是windows 平台,那么默认会加上.exe 后缀 | gf |
arch | 否 | 当前系统架构 | 编译架构,多个以, 号分隔,如果是all 表示编译所有支持架构 | 386,amd64,arm |
system | 否 | 当前系统平台 | 编译平台,多个以, 号分隔,如果是all 表示编译所有支持平台 | linux,darwin,windows |
path | 否 | ./bin | 编译可执行文件存储的目录地址 | ./bin |
mod | 否 | 同go build -mod 编译选项,不常用 | none | |
cgo | 否 | 0 | 是否开启CGO ,默认是关闭的。如果开启,那么交叉编译可能会有问题。 | 0 |
pack | 否 | 需要打包的目录,多个以, 号分隔,生成到packed/data.go | public,template | |
version | 否 | 程序版本,如果指定版本信息,那么程序生成的路径中会多一层以版本名称的目录 | v1.0.0 | |
output | 否 | 输出的可执行文件路径,当该参数指定时,name 和path 参数失效,常用于编译单个可执行文件 | ./bin/gf.exe | |
extra | 否 | 额外自定义的编译参数,会直接传递给go build 命令 | ||
varmap | 否 | 自定义的内置变量键值对 |
包 gbuild (构建信息获取) 获取。
$ gf build
2020-12-31 00:35:25.562 start building...
2020-12-31 00:35:25.562 go build -o ./bin/darwin_amd64/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:28.381 go build -o ./bin/freebsd_386/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:30.650 go build -o ./bin/freebsd_amd64/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:32.957 go build -o ./bin/freebsd_arm/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:35.824 go build -o ./bin/linux_386/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:38.082 go build -o ./bin/linux_amd64/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:41.076 go build -o ./bin/linux_arm/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:44.369 go build -o ./bin/linux_arm64/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:47.352 go build -o ./bin/linux_ppc64/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:50.293 go build -o ./bin/linux_ppc64le/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:53.166 go build -o ./bin/linux_mips/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:55.840 go build -o ./bin/linux_mipsle/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:35:58.423 go build -o ./bin/linux_mips64/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:01.062 go build -o ./bin/linux_mips64le/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:03.502 go build -o ./bin/netbsd_386/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:06.280 go build -o ./bin/netbsd_amd64/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:09.332 go build -o ./bin/netbsd_arm/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:11.811 go build -o ./bin/openbsd_386/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:14.140 go build -o ./bin/openbsd_amd64/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:17.859 go build -o ./bin/openbsd_arm/gf main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:20.327 go build -o ./bin/windows_386/gf.exe main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:22.994 go build -o ./bin/windows_amd64/gf.exe main.go
2020-12-31 00:36:25.795 done!