Middleware is a function chained in the HTTP request cycle with access to the Context which it uses to perform a specific action, for example, logging every request or enabling CORS.

🧬 Middleware

Fiber ships with multiple middleware modules by default:

  1. import (
  2. ""
  3. ""
  4. )
  • ****Compress Compress middleware that supports deflate, gzip and brotli compression.
  • ****FileSystem FileSystem middleware for Fiber, special thanks and credits to Alireza Salary
  • Favicon Ignore favicon from logs or serve from memory if a file path is provided.
  • Logger HTTP request/response logger.
  • Pprof HTTP server runtime profiling
  • Recover Recover middleware recovers from panics anywhere in the stack chain and handles the control to the centralized ErrorHandler.
  • RequestID Request ID middleware generates a unique id for a request.

Fiber also maintains external middleware modules, these have to be installed separately:

  1. import (
  2. ""
  3. "<module>"
  4. )
  • gofiber/adaptor Converter for net/http handlers to/from Fiber request handlers.
  • gofiber/basicauth Basic auth middleware provides an HTTP basic authentication. It calls the next handler for valid credentials and 401 Unauthorized for missing or invalid credentials.
  • gofiber/cors Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) with various options.
  • gofiber/csrf Protect from CSRF exploits.
  • gofiber/helmet Helps secure your apps by setting various HTTP headers.
  • gofiber/jwt JWT returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) auth middleware.
  • gofiber/keyauth Key auth middleware provides a key-based authentication.
  • gofiber/limiter Rate-limiting middleware for Fiber. Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset.
  • gofiber/rewrite Rewrite middleware rewrites the URL path based on provided rules. It can be helpful for backward compatibility or just creating cleaner and more descriptive links.
  • gofiber/session This session middleware is built on top of fasthttp/session by @savsgio MIT. Special thanks to
  • gofiber/template This package contains 8 template engines
  • gofiber/websocket Based on Gorilla WebSocket for Fiber


Compress middleware for with support for deflate, gzip and brotlicompression.
It will use the fastest compression method depending on the request header Accept-Encodingvalue.

  1. func Compress(options ...interface{}) fiber.Handler {}
  1. type CompressConfig struct {
  2. // Next defines a function to skip this middleware.
  3. // Default: nil
  4. Next func(*fiber.Ctx) bool
  5. // Compression level for brotli, gzip and deflate
  6. // CompressLevelDisabled = -1
  7. // CompressLevelDefault = 0
  8. // CompressLevelBestSpeed = 1
  9. // CompressLevelBestCompression = 2
  10. // Default: CompressLevelDefault
  11. Level int
  12. }
  1. // Compression handler with default settings
  2. app.Use(middleware.Compress())
  3. // Provide a custom compression level
  4. app.Use(middleware.Compress(2))
  5. // Pass a next function to skip specific requests
  6. app.Use(middleware.Compress(func(c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
  7. return c.Path() == "/dontcompress"
  8. }))
  9. // Provide a full Config
  10. app.Use(middleware.Compress(middleware.CompressConfig{
  11. Next: func(c *fiber.Ctx) bool {
  12. return c.Path() == "/dontcompress"
  13. },
  14. Level: CompressLevelDefault,
  15. })

