

自定义C++模块 中的Summator例子对于小型自定义的模块来说是非常好,但是如果想使用一个更大的外部库呢?来看一个使用 Festival 的例子,这是一个用C++编写的语音合成库(文本到语音).


  1. godot/modules/tts/


  1. /* tts.h */
  2. #ifndef GODOT_TTS_H
  3. #define GODOT_TTS_H
  4. #include "core/reference.h"
  5. class TTS : public Reference {
  6. GDCLASS(TTS, Reference);
  7. protected:
  8. static void _bind_methods();
  9. public:
  10. bool say_text(String p_txt);
  11. TTS();
  12. };
  13. #endif // GODOT_TTS_H


  1. /* tts.cpp */
  2. #include "tts.h"
  3. #include <festival.h>
  4. bool TTS::say_text(String p_txt) {
  5. //convert Godot String to Godot CharString to C string
  6. return festival_say_text(p_txt.ascii().get_data());
  7. }
  8. void TTS::_bind_methods() {
  9. ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("say_text", "txt"), &TTS::say_text);
  10. }
  11. TTS::TTS() {
  12. festival_initialize(true, 210000); //not the best way to do it as this should only ever be called once.
  13. }


  1. register_types.h
  2. register_types.cpp


这些文件必须在您的模块的顶层文件夹中( SCsubconfig.py 文件旁边),这样模块才能被正确注册.


  1. /* register_types.h */
  2. void register_tts_types();
  3. void unregister_tts_types();
  4. /* yes, the word in the middle must be the same as the module folder name */
  1. /* register_types.cpp */
  2. #include "register_types.h"
  3. #include "core/class_db.h"
  4. #include "tts.h"
  5. void register_tts_types() {
  6. ClassDB::register_class<TTS>();
  7. }
  8. void unregister_tts_types() {
  9. // Nothing to do here in this example.
  10. }

接下来,需要创建一个 SCsub 文件,以便构建系统编译此模块:

  1. # SCsub
  2. Import('env')
  3. env_tts = env.Clone()
  4. env_tts.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "*.cpp") # Add all cpp files to the build


  1. sudo apt-get install festival festival-dev <-- Installs festival and speech_tools libraries
  2. apt-cache search festvox-* <-- Displays list of voice packages
  3. sudo apt-get install festvox-don festvox-rablpc16k festvox-kallpc16k festvox-kdlpc16k <-- Installs voices



外部库也需要安装在模块内部,以使编译器可以访问源文件,同时保持模块代码独立.可以通过 git 使用以下命令从 modules/tts/ 目录中安装 FestivalSpeech_tools 库:

  1. git clone https://github.com/festvox/festival
  2. git clone https://github.com/festvox/speech_tools

如果您不希望将外部存储库源文件提交到您的存储库,您可以通过将它们添加为子模块(从 modules/tts/ 目录中)来链接它们,如下所示:

  1. git submodule add https://github.com/festvox/festival
  2. git submodule add https://github.com/festvox/speech_tools


请注意,Godot仓库中不使用Git子模块. 如果你开发的模块要被合并到Godot主仓库,你不应该使用子模块. 如果你的模块没有被合并,你可以尝试将外部库作为GDNative C++插件来实现.


  1. # These paths are relative to /modules/tts/
  2. env_tts.Append(CPPPATH=["speech_tools/include", "festival/src/include"])
  3. # LIBPATH and LIBS need to be set on the real "env" (not the clone)
  4. # to link the specified libraries to the Godot executable.
  5. # This is a path relative to /modules/tts/ where your .a libraries reside.
  6. # If you are compiling the module externally (not in the godot source tree),
  7. # these will need to be full paths.
  8. env.Append(LIBPATH=['libpath'])
  9. # Check with the documentation of the external library to see which library
  10. # files should be included/linked.
  11. env.Append(LIBS=['Festival', 'estools', 'estbase', 'eststring'])

如果要在构建模块时添加自定义编译器标志,则需要首先克隆 env,这样它就不会将这些标志添加到整个Godot构建中(这可能会导致错误).带有自定义标志的示例 SCsub:

  1. # SCsub
  2. Import('env')
  3. env_tts = env.Clone()
  4. env_tts.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "*.cpp")
  5. env_tts.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O2']) # Flags for C and C++ code
  6. env_tts.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-std=c++11']) # Flags for C++ code only


  1. godot/modules/tts/festival/
  2. godot/modules/tts/libpath/libestbase.a
  3. godot/modules/tts/libpath/libestools.a
  4. godot/modules/tts/libpath/libeststring.a
  5. godot/modules/tts/libpath/libFestival.a
  6. godot/modules/tts/speech_tools/
  7. godot/modules/tts/config.py
  8. godot/modules/tts/tts.h
  9. godot/modules/tts/tts.cpp
  10. godot/modules/tts/register_types.h
  11. godot/modules/tts/register_types.cpp
  12. godot/modules/tts/SCsub



  1. var t = TTS.new()
  2. var script = "Hello world. This is a test!"
  3. var is_spoken = t.say_text(script)
  4. print('is_spoken: ', is_spoken)

如果说出文本,输出将是 is_spoken:True .