
Category: Built-In Types

Brief Description

Dictionary type.


voidclear ( )
Dictionaryduplicate ( bool deep=False )
boolempty ( )
boolerase ( Variant key )
Variantget ( Variant key, Variant default=Null )
boolhas ( Variant key )
boolhas_all ( Array keys )
inthash ( )
Arraykeys ( )
intsize ( )
Arrayvalues ( )


Dictionary type. Associative container which contains values referenced by unique keys. Dictionaries are always passed by reference.

Erasing elements while iterating over them is not supported.

Creating a dictionary:

  1. var d = {4: 5, "A key": "A value", 28: [1, 2, 3]}

To add a key to an existing dictionary, access it like an existing key and assign to it:

  1. d[4] = "hello" # Add integer 4 as a key and assign the String "hello" as its value.
  2. d["Godot"] = 3.01 # Add String "Godot" as a key and assign the value 3.01 to it.


Method Descriptions

  • void clear ( )

Clear the dictionary, removing all key/value pairs.

Creates a copy of the dictionary, and returns it.

Returns true if the dictionary is empty.

Erase a dictionary key/value pair by key. Returns true if the given key was present in the dictionary, false otherwise. Do not erase elements while iterating over the dictionary.

Returns the current value for the specified key in the Dictionary. If the key does not exist, the method returns the value of the optional default argument, or Null if it is omitted.

Returns true if the dictionary has a given key.

Returns true if the dictionary has all of the keys in the given array.

Returns a hashed integer value representing the dictionary contents.

Returns the list of keys in the Dictionary.

Returns the size of the dictionary (in pairs).

Returns the list of values in the Dictionary.