
Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

An abstraction of a serialized scene.




boolcan_instance ( ) const
SceneStateget_state ( )
Nodeinstance ( GenEditState edit_state=0 ) const
Errorpack ( Node path )


enum GenEditState:

  • GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED = 0 — If passed to instance, blocks edits to the scene state.
  • GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE = 1 — If passed to instance, provides local scene resources to the local scene. Requires tools compiled.
  • GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN = 2 — If passed to instance, provides local scene resources to the local scene. Only the main scene should receive the main edit state. Requires tools compiled.


A simplified interface to a scene file. Provides access to operations and checks that can be performed on the scene resource itself.

Can be used to save a node to a file. When saving, the node as well as all the node it owns get saved (see owner property on Node). Note that the node doesn’t need to own itself.

Example of saving a node with different owners: The following example creates 3 objects: Node2D (node), RigidBody2D (rigid) and CollisionObject2D (collision). collision is a child of rigid which is a child of node. Only rigid is owned by node and pack will therefore only save those two nodes, but not collision.

  1. # create the objects
  2. var node =
  3. var rigid =
  4. var collision =
  5. # create the object hierarchy
  6. rigid.add_child(collision)
  7. node.add_child(rigid)
  8. # change owner of rigid, but not of collision
  9. rigid.owner = node
  10. var scene =
  11. # only node and rigid are now packed
  12. var result = scene.pack(node)
  13. if result == OK:
  14."res://path/name.scn", scene) # or user://...

Property Descriptions

A dictionary representation of the scene contents.

Available keys include “rnames” and “variants” for resources, “node_count”, “nodes”, “node_paths” for nodes, “editable_instances” for base scene children overrides, “conn_count” and “conns” for signal connections, and “version” for the format style of the PackedScene.

Method Descriptions

  • bool can_instance ( ) const

Returns true if the scene file has nodes.

Returns the SceneState representing the scene file contents.

Instantiates the scene’s node hierarchy. Triggers child scene instantiation(s). Triggers a Node.NOTIFICATION_INSTANCED notification on the root node.

Pack will ignore any sub-nodes not owned by given node. See Node.owner.