
Inherits: MainLoop < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Manages the game loop via a hierarchy of nodes.




Variantcall_group ( String group, String method, … ) vararg
Variantcall_group_flags ( int flags, String group, String method, … ) vararg
Errorchange_scene ( String path )
Errorchange_scene_to ( PackedScene packed_scene )
SceneTreeTimercreate_timer ( float time_sec, bool pause_mode_process=true )
intget_frame ( ) const
PoolIntArrayget_network_connected_peers ( ) const
intget_network_unique_id ( ) const
intget_node_count ( ) const
Arrayget_nodes_in_group ( String group )
intget_rpc_sender_id ( ) const
boolhas_group ( String name ) const
boolhas_network_peer ( ) const
boolis_input_handled ( )
boolis_network_server ( ) const
voidnotify_group ( String group, int notification )
voidnotify_group_flags ( int call_flags, String group, int notification )
voidqueue_delete ( Object obj )
voidquit ( )
Errorreload_current_scene ( )
voidset_auto_accept_quit ( bool enabled )
voidset_group ( String group, String property, Variant value )
voidset_group_flags ( int call_flags, String group, String property, Variant value )
voidset_input_as_handled ( )
voidset_quit_on_go_back ( bool enabled )
voidset_screen_stretch ( StretchMode mode, StretchAspect aspect, Vector2 minsize, float shrink=1 )


  • connected_to_server ( )

Emitted whenever this SceneTree’s network_peer successfully connected to a server. Only emitted on clients.

  • connection_failed ( )

Emitted whenever this SceneTree’s network_peer fails to establish a connection to a server. Only emitted on clients.

Emitted when files are dragged from the OS file manager and dropped in the game window. The arguments are a list of file paths and the identifier of the screen where the drag originated.

  • idle_frame ( )

Emitted immediately before Node._process is called on every node in the SceneTree.

  • network_peer_connected ( int id )

Emitted whenever this SceneTree’s network_peer connects with a new peer. ID is the peer ID of the new peer. Clients get notified when other clients connect to the same server. Upon connecting to a server, a client also receives this signal for the server (with ID being 1).

  • network_peer_disconnected ( int id )

Emitted whenever this SceneTree’s network_peer disconnects from a peer. Clients get notified when other clients disconnect from the same server.

  • node_added ( Node node )

Emitted whenever a node is added to the SceneTree.

  • node_configuration_warning_changed ( Node node )

Emitted when a node’s configuration changed. Only emitted in tool mode.

  • node_removed ( Node node )

Emitted whenever a node is removed from the SceneTree.

  • physics_frame ( )

Emitted immediately before Node._physics_process is called on every node in the SceneTree.

  • screen_resized ( )

Emitted whenever the screen resolution (fullscreen) or window size (windowed) changes.

  • server_disconnected ( )

Emitted whenever this SceneTree’s network_peer disconnected from server. Only emitted on clients.

  • tree_changed ( )

Emitted whenever the SceneTree hierarchy changed (children being moved or renamed, etc.).


enum GroupCallFlags:

  • GROUP_CALL_DEFAULT = 0 — Call a group with no flags (default).
  • GROUP_CALL_REVERSE = 1 — Call a group in reverse scene order.
  • GROUP_CALL_REALTIME = 2 — Call a group immediately (calls are normally made on idle).
  • GROUP_CALL_UNIQUE = 4 — Call a group only once even if the call is executed many times.

enum StretchMode:

  • STRETCH_MODE_DISABLED = 0 — No stretching.
  • STRETCH_MODE_2D = 1 — Render stretching in higher resolution (interpolated).
  • STRETCH_MODE_VIEWPORT = 2 — Keep the specified display resolution. No interpolation. Content may appear pixelated.

enum StretchAspect:

  • STRETCH_ASPECT_IGNORE = 0 — Fill the window with the content stretched to cover excessive space. Content may appear elongated.
  • STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP = 1 — Retain the same aspect ratio by padding with black bars in either axes. No expansion of content.
  • STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP_WIDTH = 2 — Expand vertically. Left/right black bars may appear if the window is too wide.
  • STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP_HEIGHT = 3 — Expand horizontally. Top/bottom black bars may appear if the window is too tall.
  • STRETCH_ASPECT_EXPAND = 4 — Expand in both directions, retaining the same aspect ratio. No black bars.


As one of the most important classes, the SceneTree manages the hierarchy of nodes in a scene as well as scenes themselves. Nodes can be added, retrieved and removed. The whole scene tree (and thus the current scene) can be paused. Scenes can be loaded, switched and reloaded.

You can also use the SceneTree to organize your nodes into groups: every node can be assigned as many groups as you want to create, e.g. a “enemy” group. You can then iterate these groups or even call methods and set properties on all the group’s members at once.

SceneTree is the default MainLoop implementation used by scenes, and is thus in charge of the game loop.


Property Descriptions


The current scene.

  • bool debug_collisions_hint

If true, collision shapes will be visible when running the game from the editor for debugging purposes.

  • bool debug_navigation_hint

If true, navigation polygons will be visible when running the game from the editor for debugging purposes.

  • Node edited_scene_root

The root of the edited scene.


The default MultiplayerAPI instance for this SceneTree.

  • bool multiplayer_poll

If true (default value), enable the automatic polling of the MultiplayerAPI for this SceneTree during idle_frame.

When false you need to manually call MultiplayerAPI.poll for processing network packets and delivering RPCs/RSETs. This allows to run RPCs/RSETs in a different loop (e.g. physics, thread, specific time step) and for manual Mutex protection when accessing the MultiplayerAPI from threads.


The peer object to handle the RPC system (effectively enabling networking when set). Depending on the peer itself, the SceneTree will become a network server (check with is_network_server) and will set root node’s network mode to master (see NETWORK_MODE_* constants in Node), or it will become a regular peer with root node set to puppet. All child nodes are set to inherit the network mode by default. Handling of networking-related events (connection, disconnection, new clients) is done by connecting to SceneTree’s signals.


If true, the SceneTree is paused. Doing so will have the following behavior:

  • bool refuse_new_network_connections

If true, the SceneTree’s network_peer refuses new incoming connections.


The SceneTree’s root Viewport.

  • bool use_font_oversampling

If true, font oversampling is used.

Method Descriptions

Calls method on each member of the given group.

Calls method on each member of the given group, respecting the given GroupCallFlags.

Changes the running scene to the one at the given path, after loading it into a PackedScene and creating a new instance.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, @GlobalScope.ERR_CANT_OPEN if the path cannot be loaded into a PackedScene, or @GlobalScope.ERR_CANT_CREATE if that scene cannot be instantiated.

Changes the running scene to a new instance of the given PackedScene.

Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success or @GlobalScope.ERR_CANT_CREATE if the scene cannot be instantiated.

Returns a SceneTreeTimer which will SceneTreeTimer.timeout after the given time in seconds elapsed in this SceneTree. If pause_mode_process is set to false, pausing the SceneTree will also pause the timer.

Commonly used to create a one-shot delay timer as in the following example:

  1. func some_function():
  2. print("start")
  3. yield(get_tree().create_timer(1.0), "timeout")
  4. print("end")

  • int get_frame ( ) const

Returns the current frame number, i.e. the total frame count since the application started.

Returns the peer IDs of all connected peers of this SceneTree’s network_peer.

  • int get_network_unique_id ( ) const

Returns the unique peer ID of this SceneTree’s network_peer.

  • int get_node_count ( ) const

Returns the number of nodes in this SceneTree.

Returns a list of all nodes assigned to the given group.

  • int get_rpc_sender_id ( ) const

Returns the sender’s peer ID for the most recently received RPC call.

Returns true if the given group exists.

  • bool has_network_peer ( ) const

Returns true if there is a network_peer set.

  • bool is_input_handled ( )

Returns true if the most recent InputEvent was marked as handled with set_input_as_handled.

  • bool is_network_server ( ) const

Returns true if this SceneTree’s network_peer is in server mode (listening for connections).

  • void notify_group ( String group, int notification )

Sends the given notification to all members of the group.

  • void notify_group_flags ( int call_flags, String group, int notification )

Sends the given notification to all members of the group, respecting the given GroupCallFlags.

  • void queue_delete ( Object obj )

Queues the given object for deletion, delaying the call to to after the current frame.

  • void quit ( )

Quits the application.

  • Error reload_current_scene ( )

Reloads the currently active scene.

Returns an Error code as described in change_scene, with the addition of @GlobalScope.ERR_UNCONFIGURED if no current_scene was defined yet.

  • void set_auto_accept_quit ( bool enabled )

If true, the application automatically accepts quitting. Defaults to true.

Sets the given property to value on all members of the given group.

Sets the given property to value on all members of the given group, respecting the given GroupCallFlags.

  • void set_input_as_handled ( )

Marks the most recent InputEvent as handled.

  • void set_quit_on_go_back ( bool enabled )

If true, the application quits automatically on going back (e.g. on Android). Defaults to true.

Configures screen stretching to the given StretchMode, StretchAspect, minimum size and shrink ratio.