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. If you still find outdated information, please open an issue.
C# API differences to GDScript
This is a (incomplete) list of API differences between C# and GDScript.
General differences
As explained in the C# basics, C# generally uses PascalCase
instead of the snake_case
used in GDScript and C++.
Global scope
Global functions and some constants had to be moved to classes, since C# does not allow declaring them in namespaces. Most global constants were moved to their own enums.
In C#, only primitive types can be constant. For example, the TAU
constant is replaced by the Mathf.Tau
constant, but the Vector2.RIGHT
constant is replaced by the Vector2.Right
read-only property. This behaves similarly to a constant, but can’t be used in some contexts like switch
Global enum constants were moved to their own enums. For example, ERR_*
constants were moved to the Error
Special cases:
GDScript | C# |
Math functions
Math global functions, like abs
, acos
, asin
, atan
and atan2
, are located under Mathf
as Abs
, Acos
, Asin
, Atan
and Atan2
. The PI
constant can be found as Mathf.Pi
C# also provides static System.Math and System.MathF classes that may contain other useful mathematical operations.
Random functions
Random global functions, like rand_range
and rand_seed
, are located under GD
. Example: GD.RandRange
and GD.RandSeed
Consider using System.Random or, if you need cryptographically strong randomness, System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.
Other functions
Many other global functions like print
and var_to_str
are located under GD
. Example: GD.Print
and GD.VarToStr
GDScript | C# |
Sometimes it can be useful to use the using static
directive. This directive allows to access the members and nested types of a class without specifying the class name.
using static Godot.GD;
public class Test
static Test()
Print("Hello"); // Instead of GD.Print("Hello");
Full list of equivalences
List of Godot’s global scope functions and their equivalent in C#:
GDScript | C# |
abs | Mathf.Abs |
absf | Mathf.Abs |
absi | Mathf.Abs |
acos | Mathf.Acos |
asin | Mathf.Asin |
atan | Mathf.Atan |
atan2 | Mathf.Atan2 |
bezier_derivative | Mathf.BezierDerivative |
bezier_interpolate | Mathf.BezierInterpolate |
bytes_to_var | GD.BytesToVar |
bytes_to_var_with_objects | GD.BytesToVarWithObjects |
ceil | Mathf.Ceil |
ceilf | Mathf.Ceil |
ceili | Mathf.CeilToInt |
clamp | Mathf.Clamp |
clampf | Mathf.Clamp |
clampi | Mathf.Clamp |
cos | Mathf.Cos |
cosh | Mathf.Cosh |
cubic_interpolate | Mathf.CubicInterpolate |
cubic_interpoalte_angle | Mathf.CubicInterpolateAngle |
cubic_interpolate_angle_in_time | Mathf.CubicInterpolateInTime |
cubic_interpolate_in_time | Mathf.CubicInterpolateAngleInTime |
db_to_linear | Mathf.DbToLinear |
deg_to_rad | Mathf.DegToRad |
ease | Mathf.Ease |
error_string | Error.ToString |
exp | Mathf.Exp |
floor | Mathf.Floor |
floorf | Mathf.Floor |
floori | Mathf.FloorToInt |
fmod | operator % |
fposmod | Mathf.PosMod |
hash | GD.Hash |
instance_from_id | GodotObject.InstanceFromId |
inverse_lerp | Mathf.InverseLerp |
is_equal_approx | Mathf.IsEqualApprox |
is_finite | Mathf.IsFinite or float.IsFinite or double.IsFinite |
is_inf | Mathf.IsInf or float.IsInfinity or double.IsInfinity |
is_instance_id_valid | GodotObject.IsInstanceIdValid |
is_instance_valid | GodotObject.IsInstanceValid |
is_nan | Mathf.IsNaN or float.IsNaN or double.IsNaN |
is_same | operator == or object.ReferenceEquals |
is_zero_approx | Mathf.IsZeroApprox |
lerp | Mathf.Lerp |
lerp_angle | Mathf.LerpAngle |
lerpf | Mathf.Lerp |
linear_to_db | Mathf.LinearToDb |
log | Mathf.Log |
max | Mathf.Max |
maxf | Mathf.Max |
maxi | Mathf.Max |
min | Mathf.Min |
minf | Mathf.Min |
mini | Mathf.Min |
move_toward | Mathf.MoveToward |
nearest_po2 | Mathf.NearestPo2 |
pingpong | Mathf.PingPong |
posmod | Mathf.PosMod |
pow | Mathf.Pow |
GD.Print | |
print_rich | GD.PrintRich |
print_verbose | Use OS.IsStdoutVerbose and GD.Print |
printerr | GD.PrintErr |
printraw | GD.PrintRaw |
prints | GD.PrintS |
printt | GD.PrintT |
push_error | GD.PushError |
push_warning | GD.PushWarning |
rad_to_deg | Mathf.RadToDeg |
rand_from_seed | GD.RandFromSeed |
randf | GD.Randf |
randf_range | GD.RandRange |
randfn | GD.Randfn |
randi | GD.Randi |
randi_range | GD.RandRange |
randomize | GD.Randomize |
remap | Mathf.Remap |
rid_allocate_id | N/A |
rid_from_int64 | N/A |
round | Mathf.Round |
roundf | Mathf.Round |
roundi | Mathf.RoundToInt |
seed | GD.Seed |
sign | Mathf.Sign |
signf | Mathf.Sign |
signi | Mathf.Sign |
sin | Mathf.Sin |
sinh | Mathf.Sinh |
smoothstep | Mathf.SmoothStep |
snapped | Mathf.Snapped |
snappedf | Mathf.Snapped |
snappedi | Mathf.Snapped |
sqrt | Mathf.Sqrt |
step_decimals | Mathf.StepDecimals |
str | |
str_to_var | GD.StrToVar |
tan | Mathf.Tan |
tanh | Mathf.Tanh |
typeof | Variant.VariantType |
var_to_bytes | GD.VarToBytes |
var_to_bytes_with_objects | GD.VarToBytesWithObjects |
var_to_str | GD.VarToStr |
weakref | GodotObject.WeakRef |
wrap | Mathf.Wrap |
wrapf | Mathf.Wrap |
wrapi | Mathf.Wrap |
List of GDScript utility functions and their equivalent in C#:
GDScript | C# |
assert | |
char | Use explicit conversion: |
convert | GD.Convert |
dict_to_inst | N/A |
get_stack | |
inst_to_dict | N/A |
len | N/A |
load | GD.Load |
preload | N/A |
print_debug | N/A |
print_stack | GD.Print(System.Environment.StackTrace) |
range | GD.Range or System.Linq.Enumerable.Range |
type_exists | ClassDB.ClassExists(type) |
, as it works in GDScript, is not available in C#. Use GD.Load
or ResourceLoader.Load
Use the [Export]
attribute instead of the GDScript @export
annotation. This attribute can also be provided with optional PropertyHint and hintString
parameters. Default values can be set by assigning a value.
using Godot;
public partial class MyNode : Node
private NodePath _nodePath;
private string _name = "default";
[Export(PropertyHint.Range, "0,100000,1000,or_greater")]
private int _income;
[Export(PropertyHint.File, "*.png,*.jpg")]
private string _icon;
See also: C# exports.
Use the [Signal]
attribute to declare a signal instead of the GDScript signal
keyword. This attribute should be used on a delegate, whose name signature will be used to define the signal. The delegate must have the EventHandler
suffix, an event will be generated in the class with the same name but without the suffix, use that event’s name with EmitSignal
delegate void MySignalEventHandler(string willSendAString);
See also: C# signals.
@onready annotation
GDScript has the ability to defer the initialization of a member variable until the ready function is called with @onready (cf. @onready annotation). For example:
@onready var my_label = get_node("MyLabel")
However C# does not have this ability. To achieve the same effect you need to do this.
private Label _myLabel;
public override void _Ready()
_myLabel = GetNode<Label>("MyLabel");
Singletons are available as static classes rather than using the singleton pattern. This is to make code less verbose than it would be with an Instance
However, in some very rare cases this is not enough. For example, you may want to access a member from the base class GodotObject
, like Connect
. For such use cases we provide a static property named Singleton
that returns the singleton instance. The type of this instance is GodotObject
Input.Singleton.JoyConnectionChanged += Input_JoyConnectionChanged;
Use System.String
). Most of Godot’s String methods have an equivalent in System.String
or are provided by the StringExtensions
class as extension methods.
string text = "Get up!";
string[] bigrams = text.Bigrams(); // ["Ge", "et", "t ", " u", "up", "p!"]
Strings are immutable in .NET, so all methods that manipulate a string don’t modify the original string and return a newly created string with the modifications applied. To avoid creating multiple string allocations consider using a StringBuilder.
List of Godot’s String methods and their equivalent in C#:
GDScript | C# |
begins_with | |
bigrams | StringExtensions.Bigrams |
bin_to_int | StringExtensions.BinToInt |
c_escape | StringExtensions.CEscape |
c_unescape | StringExtensions.CUnescape |
capitalize | StringExtensions.Capitalize |
casecmp_to | StringExtensions.CasecmpTo or StringExtensions.CompareTo (Consider using string.Equals or string.Compare) |
chr | N/A |
contains | |
count | StringExtensions.Count (Consider using RegEx) |
countn | StringExtensions.CountN (Consider using RegEx) |
dedent | StringExtensions.Dedent |
ends_with | |
find | StringExtensions.Find (Consider using string.IndexOf or string.IndexOfAny) |
findn | StringExtensions.FindN (Consider using string.IndexOf or string.IndexOfAny) |
format | |
get_base_dir | StringExtensions.GetBaseDir |
get_basename | StringExtensions.GetBaseName |
get_extension | StringExtensions.GetExtension |
get_file | StringExtensions.GetFile |
get_slice | N/A |
get_slice_count | N/A |
get_slicec | N/A |
hash | StringExtensions.Hash (Consider using object.GetHashCode unless you need to guarantee the same behavior as in GDScript) |
hex_to_int | StringExtensions.HexToInt (Consider using int.Parse or long.Parse with System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) |
humanize_size | N/A |
indent | StringExtensions.Indent |
insert | string.Insert (Consider using StringBuilder to manipulate strings) |
is_absolute_path | StringExtensions.IsAbsolutePath |
is_empty | |
is_relative_path | StringExtensions.IsRelativePath |
is_subsequence_of | StringExtensions.IsSubsequenceOf |
is_subsequence_ofn | StringExtensions.IsSubsequenceOfN |
is_valid_filename | StringExtensions.IsValidFileName |
is_valid_float | StringExtensions.IsValidFloat (Consider using float.TryParse or double.TryParse) |
is_valid_hex_number | StringExtensions.IsValidHexNumber |
is_valid_html_color | StringExtensions.IsValidHtmlColor |
is_valid_identifier | StringExtensions.IsValidIdentifier |
is_valid_int | StringExtensions.IsValidInt (Consider using int.TryParse or long.TryParse) |
is_valid_ip_address | StringExtensions.IsValidIPAddress |
join | |
json_escape | StringExtensions.JSONEscape |
left | StringExtensions.Left (Consider using string.Substring or string.AsSpan) |
length | |
lpad | |
lstrip | |
match | StringExtensions.Match (Consider using RegEx) |
matchn | StringExtensions.MatchN (Consider using RegEx) |
md5_buffer | StringExtensions.Md5Buffer (Consider using System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.HashData) |
md5_text | StringExtensions.Md5Text (Consider using System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.HashData with StringExtensions.HexEncode) |
naturalnocasecmp_to | N/A (Consider using string.Equals or string.Compare) |
nocasecmp_to | StringExtensions.NocasecmpTo or StringExtensions.CompareTo (Consider using string.Equals or string.Compare) |
num | |
num_int64 | |
num_scientific | |
num_uint64 | |
pad_decimals | StringExtensions.PadDecimals |
pad_zeros | StringExtensions.PadZeros |
path_join | StringExtensions.PathJoin |
repeat | Use string constructor or a StringBuilder |
replace | |
replacen | StringExtensions.ReplaceN (Consider using string.Replace or RegEx) |
rfind | StringExtensions.RFind (Consider using string.LastIndexOf or string.LastIndexOfAny) |
rfindn | StringExtensions.RFindN (Consider using string.LastIndexOf or string.LastIndexOfAny) |
right | StringExtensions.Right (Consider using string.Substring or string.AsSpan) |
rpad | |
rsplit | N/A |
rstrip | |
sha1_buffer | StringExtensions.Sha1Buffer (Consider using System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.HashData) |
sha1_text | StringExtensions.Sha1Text (Consider using System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.HashData with StringExtensions.HexEncode) |
sha256_buffer | StringExtensions.Sha256Buffer (Consider using System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.HashData) |
sha256_text | StringExtensions.Sha256Text (Consider using System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.HashData with StringExtensions.HexEncode) |
similarity | StringExtensions.Similarity |
simplify_path | StringExtensions.SimplifyPath |
split | StringExtensions.Split (Consider using string.Split) |
split_floats | StringExtensions.SplitFloat |
strip_edges | StringExtensions.StripEdges (Consider using string.Trim, string.TrimStart or string.TrimEnd) |
strip_escapes | StringExtensions.StripEscapes |
substr | StringExtensions.Substr (Consider using string.Substring or string.AsSpan) |
to_ascii_buffer | StringExtensions.ToAsciiBuffer (Consider using System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes) |
to_camel_case | StringExtensions.ToCamelCase |
to_float | StringExtensions.ToFloat (Consider using float.TryParse or double.TryParse) |
to_int | StringExtensions.ToInt (Consider using int.TryParse or long.TryParse) |
to_lower | |
to_pascal_case | StringExtensions.ToPascalCase |
to_snake_case | StringExtensions.ToSnakeCase |
to_upper | |
to_utf16_buffer | StringExtensions.ToUtf16Buffer (Consider using System.Text.Encoding.UTF16.GetBytes) |
to_utf32_buffer | StringExtensions.ToUtf32Buffer (Consider using System.Text.Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes) |
to_utf8_buffer | StringExtensions.ToUtf8Buffer (Consider using System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes) |
trim_prefix | StringExtensions.TrimPrefix |
trim_suffix | StringExtensions.TrimSuffix |
unicode_at | string[int] indexer |
uri_decode | StringExtensions.URIDecode (Consider using System.Uri.UnescapeDataString) |
uri_encode | StringExtensions.URIEncode (Consider using System.Uri.EscapeDataString) |
validate_node_name | StringExtensions.ValidateNodeName |
xml_escape | StringExtensions.XMLEscape |
xml_unescape | StringExtensions.XMLUnescape |
List of Godot’s PackedByteArray methods that create a String and their C# equivalent:
GDScript | C# |
get_string_from_ascii | StringExtensions.GetStringFromAscii (Consider using System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString) |
get_string_from_utf16 | StringExtensions.GetStringFromUtf16 (Consider using System.Text.Encoding.UTF16.GetString) |
get_string_from_utf32 | StringExtensions.GetStringFromUtf32 (Consider using System.Text.Encoding.UTF32.GetString) |
get_string_from_utf8 | StringExtensions.GetStringFromUtf8 (Consider using System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString) |
hex_encode | StringExtensions.HexEncode (Consider using System.Convert.ToHexString) |
- .NET contains many path utility methods available under the System.IO.Path class that can be used when not dealing with Godot paths (paths that start with
The following method was converted to a property with a different name:
GDScript | C# |
The following methods were converted to properties with their respective names changed:
GDScript | C# |
The Signal
type implements the awaitable pattern which means it can be used with the await
keyword. See await keyword.
Instead of using the Signal
type, the recommended way to use Godot signals in C# is to use the generated C# events. See C# signals.
The following methods were converted to properties with their respective names changed:
GDScript | C# |
Currently C# supports Callable
if one of the following holds:
was created using the C#Callable
is a basic version of the engine’sCallable
. CustomCallable
s are unsupported. ACallable
is custom when any of the following holds:Callable
has bound information (Callable
s created withbind
are unsupported).Callable
was created from other languages through the GDExtension API.
Some methods such as bind
and unbind
are not implemented, use lambdas instead:
string name = "John Doe";
Callable callable = Callable.From(() => SayHello(name));
void SayHello(string name)
GD.Print($"Hello {name}");
The lambda captures the name
variable so it can be bound to the SayHello
This type is named Rid
in C# to follow the .NET naming convention.
The following methods were converted to properties with their respective names changed:
GDScript | C# |
Structs cannot have parameterless constructors in C#. Therefore, new Basis()
initializes all primitive members to their default value. Use Basis.Identity
for the equivalent of Basis()
in GDScript and C++.
The following method was converted to a property with a different name:
GDScript | C# |
Structs cannot have parameterless constructors in C#. Therefore, new Transform2D()
initializes all primitive members to their default value. Please use Transform2D.Identity
for the equivalent of Transform2D()
in GDScript and C++.
The following methods were converted to properties with their respective names changed:
GDScript | C# |
Structs cannot have parameterless constructors in C#. Therefore, new Transform3D()
initializes all primitive members to their default value. Please use Transform3D.Identity
for the equivalent of Transform3D()
in GDScript and C++.
The following methods were converted to properties with their respective names changed:
GDScript | C# |
The following field was converted to a property with a slightly different name:
GDScript | C# |
The following method was converted to a property with a different name:
GDScript | C# |
This type is named Rect2I
in C# to follow the .NET naming convention.
The following field was converted to a property with a slightly different name:
GDScript | C# |
The following method was converted to a property with a different name:
GDScript | C# |
This type is named Aabb
in C# to follow the .NET naming convention.
The following method was converted to a property with a different name:
GDScript | C# |
Structs cannot have parameterless constructors in C#. Therefore, new Quaternion()
initializes all primitive members to their default value. Please use Quaternion.Identity
for the equivalent of Quaternion()
in GDScript and C++.
Structs cannot have parameterless constructors in C#. Therefore, new Projection()
initializes all primitive members to their default value. Please use Projection.Identity
for the equivalent of Projection()
in GDScript and C++.
Structs cannot have parameterless constructors in C#. Therefore, new Color()
initializes all primitive members to their default value (which represents the transparent black color). Please use Colors.Black
for the equivalent of Color()
in GDScript and C++.
The global Color8
method to construct a Color from bytes is available as a static method in the Color type.
The Color constants are available in the Colors
static class as readonly properties.
The following method was converted to a property with a different name:
GDScript | C# |
The following method was converted to a method with a different name:
GDScript | C# |
The following methods are available as constructors:
GDScript | C# |
The equivalent of packed arrays are System.Array
See also PackedArray in C#.
Use Godot.Collections.Array
for an untyped Variant
array. Godot.Collections.Array<T>
is a type-safe wrapper around Godot.Collections.Array
See also Array in C#.
Use Godot.Collections.Dictionary
for an untyped Variant
dictionary. Godot.Colelctions.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
is a type-safe wrapper around Godot.Collections.Dictionary
See also Dictionary in C#.
is used to represent Godot’s native Variant type. Any Variant-compatible type can be converted from/to it.
See also: C# Variant.
Communicating with other scripting languages
This is explained extensively in Cross-language scripting.
Something similar to GDScript’s await
keyword can be achieved with C#’s await keyword.
The await
keyword in C# can be used with any awaitable expression. It’s commonly used with operands of the types Task, Task<TResult>, ValueTask, or ValueTask<TResult>.
An expression t
is awaitable if one of the following holds:
is of compile-time typedynamic
has an accessible instance or extension method calledGetAwaiter
with no parameters and no type parameters, and a return typeA
for which all of the following hold:A
implements the interfaceSystem.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion
has an accessible, readable instance propertyIsCompleted
of typebool
has an accessible instance methodGetResult
with no parameters and no type parameters.
An equivalent of awaiting a signal in GDScript can be achieved with the await
keyword and GodotObject.ToSignal
await ToSignal(timer, "timeout");
GD.Print("After timeout");