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Inherits: Resource < RefCounted < Object

An abstraction of a serialized scene.


A simplified interface to a scene file. Provides access to operations and checks that can be performed on the scene resource itself.

Can be used to save a node to a file. When saving, the node as well as all the nodes it owns get saved (see Node.owner property).

Note: The node doesn’t need to own itself.

Example of loading a saved scene:


  1. # Use load() instead of preload() if the path isn't known at compile-time.
  2. var scene = preload("res://scene.tscn").instantiate()
  3. # Add the node as a child of the node the script is attached to.
  4. add_child(scene)
  1. // C# has no preload, so you have to always use ResourceLoader.Load<PackedScene>().
  2. var scene = ResourceLoader.Load<PackedScene>("res://scene.tscn").Instantiate();
  3. // Add the node as a child of the node the script is attached to.
  4. AddChild(scene);

Example of saving a node with different owners: The following example creates 3 objects: Node2D (node), RigidBody2D (body) and CollisionObject2D (collision). collision is a child of body which is a child of node. Only body is owned by node and pack will therefore only save those two nodes, but not collision.


  1. # Create the objects.
  2. var node = Node2D.new()
  3. var body = RigidBody2D.new()
  4. var collision = CollisionShape2D.new()
  5. # Create the object hierarchy.
  6. body.add_child(collision)
  7. node.add_child(body)
  8. # Change owner of `body`, but not of `collision`.
  9. body.owner = node
  10. var scene = PackedScene.new()
  11. # Only `node` and `body` are now packed.
  12. var result = scene.pack(node)
  13. if result == OK:
  14. var error = ResourceSaver.save(scene, "res://path/name.tscn") # Or "user://..."
  15. if error != OK:
  16. push_error("An error occurred while saving the scene to disk.")
  1. // Create the objects.
  2. var node = new Node2D();
  3. var body = new RigidBody2D();
  4. var collision = new CollisionShape2D();
  5. // Create the object hierarchy.
  6. body.AddChild(collision);
  7. node.AddChild(body);
  8. // Change owner of `body`, but not of `collision`.
  9. body.Owner = node;
  10. var scene = new PackedScene();
  11. // Only `node` and `body` are now packed.
  12. Error result = scene.Pack(node);
  13. if (result == Error.Ok)
  14. {
  15. Error error = ResourceSaver.Save(scene, "res://path/name.tscn"); // Or "user://..."
  16. if (error != Error.Ok)
  17. {
  18. GD.PushError("An error occurred while saving the scene to disk.");
  19. }
  20. }





{ “conn_count”: 0, “conns”: PackedInt32Array(), “editable_instances”: [], “names”: PackedStringArray(), “node_count”: 0, “node_paths”: [], “nodes”: PackedInt32Array(), “variants”: [], “version”: 3 }



can_instantiate ( ) const


get_state ( ) const


instantiate ( GenEditState edit_state=0 ) const


pack ( Node path )


enum GenEditState:


If passed to instantiate, blocks edits to the scene state.


If passed to instantiate, provides local scene resources to the local scene.

Note: Only available in editor builds.


If passed to instantiate, provides local scene resources to the local scene. Only the main scene should receive the main edit state.

Note: Only available in editor builds.


It’s similar to GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN, but for the case where the scene is being instantiated to be the base of another one.

Note: Only available in editor builds.

Property Descriptions

Dictionary _bundled = { "conn_count": 0, "conns": PackedInt32Array(), "editable_instances": [], "names": PackedStringArray(), "node_count": 0, "node_paths": [], "nodes": PackedInt32Array(), "variants": [], "version": 3 }

A dictionary representation of the scene contents.

Available keys include “rnames” and “variants” for resources, “node_count”, “nodes”, “node_paths” for nodes, “editable_instances” for base scene children overrides, “conn_count” and “conns” for signal connections, and “version” for the format style of the PackedScene.

Method Descriptions

bool can_instantiate ( ) const

Returns true if the scene file has nodes.

SceneState get_state ( ) const

Returns the SceneState representing the scene file contents.

Node instantiate ( GenEditState edit_state=0 ) const

Instantiates the scene’s node hierarchy. Triggers child scene instantiation(s). Triggers a Node.NOTIFICATION_SCENE_INSTANTIATED notification on the root node.

Error pack ( Node path )

Pack will ignore any sub-nodes not owned by given node. See Node.owner.