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Inherits: PhysicsServer3D < Object
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Method Descriptions
void _area_add_shape ( RID area, RID shape, Transform3D transform, bool disabled ) virtual
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void _area_attach_object_instance_id ( RID area, int id ) virtual
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void _area_clear_shapes ( RID area ) virtual
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RID _area_create ( ) virtual
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int _area_get_collision_layer ( RID area ) virtual const
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int _area_get_collision_mask ( RID area ) virtual const
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int _area_get_object_instance_id ( RID area ) virtual const
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Variant _area_get_param ( RID area, AreaParameter param ) virtual const
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RID _area_get_shape ( RID area, int shape_idx ) virtual const
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int _area_get_shape_count ( RID area ) virtual const
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Transform3D _area_get_shape_transform ( RID area, int shape_idx ) virtual const
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RID _area_get_space ( RID area ) virtual const
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Transform3D _area_get_transform ( RID area ) virtual const
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void _area_remove_shape ( RID area, int shape_idx ) virtual
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void _area_set_area_monitor_callback ( RID area, Callable callback ) virtual
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void _area_set_collision_layer ( RID area, int layer ) virtual
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void _area_set_collision_mask ( RID area, int mask ) virtual
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void _area_set_monitor_callback ( RID area, Callable callback ) virtual
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void _area_set_monitorable ( RID area, bool monitorable ) virtual
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void _area_set_param ( RID area, AreaParameter param, Variant value ) virtual
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void _area_set_ray_pickable ( RID area, bool enable ) virtual
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void _area_set_shape ( RID area, int shape_idx, RID shape ) virtual
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void _area_set_shape_disabled ( RID area, int shape_idx, bool disabled ) virtual
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void _area_set_shape_transform ( RID area, int shape_idx, Transform3D transform ) virtual
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void _area_set_space ( RID area, RID space ) virtual
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void _area_set_transform ( RID area, Transform3D transform ) virtual
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void _body_add_collision_exception ( RID body, RID excepted_body ) virtual
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void _body_add_constant_central_force ( RID body, Vector3 force ) virtual
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void _body_add_constant_force ( RID body, Vector3 force, Vector3 position ) virtual
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void _body_add_constant_torque ( RID body, Vector3 torque ) virtual
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void _body_add_shape ( RID body, RID shape, Transform3D transform, bool disabled ) virtual
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void _body_apply_central_force ( RID body, Vector3 force ) virtual
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void _body_apply_central_impulse ( RID body, Vector3 impulse ) virtual
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void _body_apply_force ( RID body, Vector3 force, Vector3 position ) virtual
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void _body_apply_impulse ( RID body, Vector3 impulse, Vector3 position ) virtual
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void _body_apply_torque ( RID body, Vector3 torque ) virtual
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void _body_apply_torque_impulse ( RID body, Vector3 impulse ) virtual
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void _body_attach_object_instance_id ( RID body, int id ) virtual
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void _body_clear_shapes ( RID body ) virtual
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RID _body_create ( ) virtual
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RID[] _body_get_collision_exceptions ( RID body ) virtual const
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int _body_get_collision_layer ( RID body ) virtual const
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int _body_get_collision_mask ( RID body ) virtual const
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float _body_get_collision_priority ( RID body ) virtual const
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Vector3 _body_get_constant_force ( RID body ) virtual const
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Vector3 _body_get_constant_torque ( RID body ) virtual const
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float _body_get_contacts_reported_depth_threshold ( RID body ) virtual const
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PhysicsDirectBodyState3D _body_get_direct_state ( RID body ) virtual
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int _body_get_max_contacts_reported ( RID body ) virtual const
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BodyMode _body_get_mode ( RID body ) virtual const
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int _body_get_object_instance_id ( RID body ) virtual const
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Variant _body_get_param ( RID body, BodyParameter param ) virtual const
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RID _body_get_shape ( RID body, int shape_idx ) virtual const
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int _body_get_shape_count ( RID body ) virtual const
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Transform3D _body_get_shape_transform ( RID body, int shape_idx ) virtual const
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RID _body_get_space ( RID body ) virtual const
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Variant _body_get_state ( RID body, BodyState state ) virtual const
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int _body_get_user_flags ( RID body ) virtual const
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bool _body_is_axis_locked ( RID body, BodyAxis axis ) virtual const
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bool _body_is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled ( RID body ) virtual const
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bool _body_is_omitting_force_integration ( RID body ) virtual const
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void _body_remove_collision_exception ( RID body, RID excepted_body ) virtual
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void _body_remove_shape ( RID body, int shape_idx ) virtual
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void _body_reset_mass_properties ( RID body ) virtual
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void _body_set_axis_lock ( RID body, BodyAxis axis, bool lock ) virtual
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void _body_set_axis_velocity ( RID body, Vector3 axis_velocity ) virtual
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void _body_set_collision_layer ( RID body, int layer ) virtual
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void _body_set_collision_mask ( RID body, int mask ) virtual
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void _body_set_collision_priority ( RID body, float priority ) virtual
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void _body_set_constant_force ( RID body, Vector3 force ) virtual
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void _body_set_constant_torque ( RID body, Vector3 torque ) virtual
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void _body_set_contacts_reported_depth_threshold ( RID body, float threshold ) virtual
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void _body_set_enable_continuous_collision_detection ( RID body, bool enable ) virtual
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void _body_set_force_integration_callback ( RID body, Callable callable, Variant userdata ) virtual
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void _body_set_max_contacts_reported ( RID body, int amount ) virtual
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void _body_set_mode ( RID body, BodyMode mode ) virtual
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void _body_set_omit_force_integration ( RID body, bool enable ) virtual
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void _body_set_param ( RID body, BodyParameter param, Variant value ) virtual
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void _body_set_ray_pickable ( RID body, bool enable ) virtual
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void _body_set_shape ( RID body, int shape_idx, RID shape ) virtual
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void _body_set_shape_disabled ( RID body, int shape_idx, bool disabled ) virtual
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void _body_set_shape_transform ( RID body, int shape_idx, Transform3D transform ) virtual
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void _body_set_space ( RID body, RID space ) virtual
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void _body_set_state ( RID body, BodyState state, Variant value ) virtual
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void _body_set_state_sync_callback ( RID body, Callable callable ) virtual
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void _body_set_user_flags ( RID body, int flags ) virtual
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bool _body_test_motion ( RID body, Transform3D from, Vector3 motion, float margin, int max_collisions, bool collide_separation_ray, PhysicsServer3DExtensionMotionResult* result ) virtual const
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RID _box_shape_create ( ) virtual
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RID _capsule_shape_create ( ) virtual
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RID _concave_polygon_shape_create ( ) virtual
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float _cone_twist_joint_get_param ( RID joint, ConeTwistJointParam param ) virtual const
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void _cone_twist_joint_set_param ( RID joint, ConeTwistJointParam param, float value ) virtual
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RID _convex_polygon_shape_create ( ) virtual
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RID _custom_shape_create ( ) virtual
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RID _cylinder_shape_create ( ) virtual
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void _end_sync ( ) virtual
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void _finish ( ) virtual
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void _flush_queries ( ) virtual
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void _free_rid ( RID rid ) virtual
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bool _generic_6dof_joint_get_flag ( RID joint, Vector3.Axis axis, G6DOFJointAxisFlag flag ) virtual const
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float _generic_6dof_joint_get_param ( RID joint, Vector3.Axis axis, G6DOFJointAxisParam param ) virtual const
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void _generic_6dof_joint_set_flag ( RID joint, Vector3.Axis axis, G6DOFJointAxisFlag flag, bool enable ) virtual
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void _generic_6dof_joint_set_param ( RID joint, Vector3.Axis axis, G6DOFJointAxisParam param, float value ) virtual
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int _get_process_info ( ProcessInfo process_info ) virtual
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RID _heightmap_shape_create ( ) virtual
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bool _hinge_joint_get_flag ( RID joint, HingeJointFlag flag ) virtual const
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float _hinge_joint_get_param ( RID joint, HingeJointParam param ) virtual const
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void _hinge_joint_set_flag ( RID joint, HingeJointFlag flag, bool enabled ) virtual
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void _hinge_joint_set_param ( RID joint, HingeJointParam param, float value ) virtual
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void _init ( ) virtual
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bool _is_flushing_queries ( ) virtual const
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void _joint_clear ( RID joint ) virtual
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RID _joint_create ( ) virtual
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void _joint_disable_collisions_between_bodies ( RID joint, bool disable ) virtual
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int _joint_get_solver_priority ( RID joint ) virtual const
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JointType _joint_get_type ( RID joint ) virtual const
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bool _joint_is_disabled_collisions_between_bodies ( RID joint ) virtual const
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void _joint_make_cone_twist ( RID joint, RID body_A, Transform3D local_ref_A, RID body_B, Transform3D local_ref_B ) virtual
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void _joint_make_generic_6dof ( RID joint, RID body_A, Transform3D local_ref_A, RID body_B, Transform3D local_ref_B ) virtual
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void _joint_make_hinge ( RID joint, RID body_A, Transform3D hinge_A, RID body_B, Transform3D hinge_B ) virtual
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void _joint_make_hinge_simple ( RID joint, RID body_A, Vector3 pivot_A, Vector3 axis_A, RID body_B, Vector3 pivot_B, Vector3 axis_B ) virtual
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void _joint_make_pin ( RID joint, RID body_A, Vector3 local_A, RID body_B, Vector3 local_B ) virtual
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void _joint_make_slider ( RID joint, RID body_A, Transform3D local_ref_A, RID body_B, Transform3D local_ref_B ) virtual
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void _joint_set_solver_priority ( RID joint, int priority ) virtual
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Vector3 _pin_joint_get_local_a ( RID joint ) virtual const
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Vector3 _pin_joint_get_local_b ( RID joint ) virtual const
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float _pin_joint_get_param ( RID joint, PinJointParam param ) virtual const
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void _pin_joint_set_local_a ( RID joint, Vector3 local_A ) virtual
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void _pin_joint_set_local_b ( RID joint, Vector3 local_B ) virtual
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void _pin_joint_set_param ( RID joint, PinJointParam param, float value ) virtual
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RID _separation_ray_shape_create ( ) virtual
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void _set_active ( bool active ) virtual
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float _shape_get_custom_solver_bias ( RID shape ) virtual const
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Variant _shape_get_data ( RID shape ) virtual const
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float _shape_get_margin ( RID shape ) virtual const
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ShapeType _shape_get_type ( RID shape ) virtual const
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void _shape_set_custom_solver_bias ( RID shape, float bias ) virtual
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void _shape_set_data ( RID shape, Variant data ) virtual
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void _shape_set_margin ( RID shape, float margin ) virtual
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float _slider_joint_get_param ( RID joint, SliderJointParam param ) virtual const
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void _slider_joint_set_param ( RID joint, SliderJointParam param, float value ) virtual
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void _soft_body_add_collision_exception ( RID body, RID body_b ) virtual
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RID _soft_body_create ( ) virtual
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AABB _soft_body_get_bounds ( RID body ) virtual const
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RID[] _soft_body_get_collision_exceptions ( RID body ) virtual const
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int _soft_body_get_collision_layer ( RID body ) virtual const
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int _soft_body_get_collision_mask ( RID body ) virtual const
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float _soft_body_get_damping_coefficient ( RID body ) virtual const
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float _soft_body_get_drag_coefficient ( RID body ) virtual const
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float _soft_body_get_linear_stiffness ( RID body ) virtual const
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Vector3 _soft_body_get_point_global_position ( RID body, int point_index ) virtual const
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float _soft_body_get_pressure_coefficient ( RID body ) virtual const
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int _soft_body_get_simulation_precision ( RID body ) virtual const
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RID _soft_body_get_space ( RID body ) virtual const
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Variant _soft_body_get_state ( RID body, BodyState state ) virtual const
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float _soft_body_get_total_mass ( RID body ) virtual const
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bool _soft_body_is_point_pinned ( RID body, int point_index ) virtual const
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void _soft_body_move_point ( RID body, int point_index, Vector3 global_position ) virtual
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void _soft_body_pin_point ( RID body, int point_index, bool pin ) virtual
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void _soft_body_remove_all_pinned_points ( RID body ) virtual
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void _soft_body_remove_collision_exception ( RID body, RID body_b ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_collision_layer ( RID body, int layer ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_collision_mask ( RID body, int mask ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_damping_coefficient ( RID body, float damping_coefficient ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_drag_coefficient ( RID body, float drag_coefficient ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_linear_stiffness ( RID body, float linear_stiffness ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_mesh ( RID body, RID mesh ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_pressure_coefficient ( RID body, float pressure_coefficient ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_ray_pickable ( RID body, bool enable ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_simulation_precision ( RID body, int simulation_precision ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_space ( RID body, RID space ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_state ( RID body, BodyState state, Variant variant ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_total_mass ( RID body, float total_mass ) virtual
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void _soft_body_set_transform ( RID body, Transform3D transform ) virtual
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void _soft_body_update_rendering_server ( RID body, PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler rendering_server_handler ) virtual
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RID _space_create ( ) virtual
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int _space_get_contact_count ( RID space ) virtual const
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PackedVector3Array _space_get_contacts ( RID space ) virtual const
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PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D _space_get_direct_state ( RID space ) virtual
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float _space_get_param ( RID space, SpaceParameter param ) virtual const
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bool _space_is_active ( RID space ) virtual const
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void _space_set_active ( RID space, bool active ) virtual
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void _space_set_debug_contacts ( RID space, int max_contacts ) virtual
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void _space_set_param ( RID space, SpaceParameter param, float value ) virtual
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RID _sphere_shape_create ( ) virtual
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void _step ( float step ) virtual
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void _sync ( ) virtual
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RID _world_boundary_shape_create ( ) virtual
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bool body_test_motion_is_excluding_body ( RID body ) const
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bool body_test_motion_is_excluding_object ( int object ) const
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