You may have noticed when your tests fail, GoConvey provides a link directly to the failing line in the file:
To enable these links, you need to register a custom URL Scheme handler for your platform. The name of the custom URL Scheme is goconvey
(clever, huh?).
In this example, I will be using MacVim. If you're using Sublime, you will want to change the path to your Sublime installation.
- Find the application you want to handle the
URL protocol handler:/Applications/
Edit the
file. There are two ways to do this:Using your terminal:
- Edit
- Find the section that has
- Add a new
entry that looks like this (lines 1198 - 1207):
- Edit
If you don't have an <array>
section, then create it.
Using the GUI
In Finder, navigation to the Applications folder and right click on your application and click "Show Package Contents":
Open up the Contents folder and double click on the
file.Find the section labeled
URL types
:Expand the section and create an entry (by clicking on the "plus" icon) that looks like this:
You want to select Editor
as the Document Role
, and the string entry inside the URL Schemes
section must be goconvey
- After you edit this file, you must "update" your application: <code>touch /Applications/</code>
If everything went well, you should click on the Line #
link in GoConvey's web UI and get a prompt from your browser:
Click "Launch Application" (and you'll probably want to check the "Remember…" checkbox as well.
Until someone comes up with a good tutorial, here are some resources:
To install a customer schema handler, at least in Ubuntu, you can use the script below. It will install a script that handles the links in GoConvey's web GUI and formats it to work with the browsers, at least Visual Studio Code and Sublime. It will also register a desktop handler for the goconvey:// schema.
It uses your default editor if the environment variable EDITOR is set.If you like to use a separate editor just for goconvey links, you can set GOCONVEY_EDITOR.Some editor need extra flags to handle filenames with line number. These flags can be set in GOCONVEY_EDITOR_FLAGS.If no editor environment variables are set it defaults to Visual Studio Code.
This script is tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity.
Save the content below in a file and run it as root.
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- cat <<EOF-HANDLER > /usr/bin/goconvey-handler
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- request="\${1#*://}" # Remove schema from url (goconvey://)
- request="\${request#*?url=}" # Remove open?url=
- request="\${request#*://}" # Remove file://
- request="\${request//%2F//}" # Replace %2F with /
- request="\${request/&line=/:}" # Replace &line= with :
- request="\${request/&column=/:}" # Replace &column= with :
- if [ -n "\${GOCONVEY_EDITOR}" ]; then
- \$GOCONVEY_EDITOR \$GOCONVEY_EDITOR_FLAGS "\$request" # Launch specified goconvey editor
- elif [ -n "\${EDITOR}" ]; then
- \$EDITOR \$GOCONVEY_EDITOR_FLAGS "\$request" # Launch default editor
- else
- code -g "\$request" # Launch code as editor
- fi
- cat <<EOF-DESKTOP > /usr/share/applications/goconvey-handler.desktop
- [Desktop Entry]
- Name=GoConvey URL Handler
- GenericName=Text Editor
- Comment=Handle URL Scheme goconvey://
- Exec=/usr/bin/goconvey-handler %u
- Terminal=false
- Type=Application
- MimeType=x-scheme-handler/goconvey;
- Icon=code
- Categories=TextEditor;Development;Utility;
- Name[en_US]=GoConvey URL handler
- chmod +x /usr/bin/goconvey-handler
- update-desktop-database
- xdg-mime default /usr/share/applications/goconvey-handler.desktop x-scheme-handler/goconvey
Here are some resources: