Agent Health Check API

Note: Using this feature requires atleast version 17.11.0 of the GoCD server and agent.

The health check API allows users to monitor if the agent is connected to the server and is authorized to perform a build.


The API uses the following configurable agent system properties.

go.agent.status.api.enabledDefaults to true. Set to false to disable health check api end-point
go.agent.status.api.bind.hostDefaults to localhost. Set to a specific ip address or hostname to bind to that host. Set to to bind to all network interfaces.
go.agent.status.api.bind.portDefaults to 8152. Set to 0 to use an ephemeral port, which will be displayed in a log statement.

Note: In case the http server is unable to bind usually because of port conflicts, or multiple agents running on the same machine, a warning will be emitted to the console log and agent startup will continue.

To configure the system properties, edit the file wrapper-properties.conf to add the system properties described above. See the installation documentation for the location of wrapper-properties.conf file.