RPC Configuration

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The rpc configuration controls various functions of an rpc service, including but not limited to listening address, etcd configuration, timeout, fuse configuration, etc. Below we will use a common rpc service configuration to illustrate.

Configuration instructions

  1. Config struct {
  2. zrpc.RpcServerConf
  3. CacheRedis cache.CacheConf // Redis cache configuration, see the api configuration instructions for details, and I won’t go into details here
  4. Mysql struct { // mysql database access configuration, see api configuration instructions for details, not repeat here
  5. DataSource string
  6. }
  7. }


  1. RpcServerConf struct {
  2. service.ServiceConf // mysql database access configuration, see api configuration instructions for details, not repeat here
  3. ListenOn string // rpc listening address and port, such as:
  4. Etcd discov.EtcdConf `json:",optional"` // etcd related configuration
  5. Auth bool `json:",optional"` // Whether to enable Auth, if yes, Redis is required
  6. Redis redis.RedisKeyConf `json:",optional"` // Auth verification
  7. StrictControl bool `json:",optional"` // Whether it is Strict mode, if it is, the error is Auth failure, otherwise it can be considered as successful
  8. // pending forever is not allowed
  9. // never set it to 0, if zero, the underlying will set to 2s automatically
  10. Timeout int64 `json:",default=2000"` // Timeout control, unit: milliseconds
  11. CpuThreshold int64 `json:",default=900,range=[0:1000]"` // CPU load reduction threshold, the default is 900, the allowable setting range is 0 to 1000
  12. }


  1. type EtcdConf struct {
  2. Hosts []string // etcd host array
  3. Key string // rpc registration key
  4. }


  1. RedisConf struct {
  2. Host string // redis host
  3. Type string `json:",default=node,options=node|cluster"` // redis type
  4. Pass string `json:",optional"` // redis password
  5. }
  6. RedisKeyConf struct {
  7. RedisConf
  8. Key string `json:",optional"` // Verification key
  9. }