Go Module Configuration

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Introduction to Go Module

Modules are how Go manages dependencies.[1]

That is, Go Module is a way for Golang to manage dependencies, similar to Maven in Java and Gradle in Android.

Module configuration

  • Check the status of GO111MODULE
    1. $ go env GO111MODULE
    1. on
  • Turn on GO111MODULE, if it is already turned on (that is, execute go env GO111MODULE and the result is on), please skip it.
    1. $ go env -w GO111MODULE="on"
  • Set up GOPROXY
    1. $ go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn


    1. $ go env GOMODCACHE

    If the directory is not empty or /dev/null, please skip it.

    1. go env -w GOMODCACHE=$GOPATH/pkg/mod


[1] Go Modules Reference