Working with values
To get a string value:
val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").String()
To validate key value on the fly:
val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Validate(func(in string) string {
if len(in) == 0 {
return "default"
return in
If you do not want any auto-transformation (such as recursive read) for the values, you can get raw value directly (this way you get much better performance):
val := cfg.Section("").Key("key name").Value()
To check if raw value exists:
yes := cfg.Section("").HasValue("test value")
To get value with types:
// For boolean values:
// true when value is: 1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, YES, yes, Yes, y, ON, on, On
// false when value is: 0, f, F, FALSE, false, False, NO, no, No, n, OFF, off, Off
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").Bool()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").Float64()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").Int()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").Int64()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").Uint()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").Uint64()
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").TimeFormat(time.RFC3339)
v, err = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").Time() // RFC3339
v = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").MustBool()
v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").MustFloat64()
v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").MustInt()
v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").MustInt64()
v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").MustUint()
v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").MustUint64()
v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTimeFormat(time.RFC3339)
v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTime() // RFC3339
// Methods start with Must also accept one argument for default value
// when key not found or fail to parse value to given type.
// Except method MustString, which you have to pass a default value.
v = cfg.Section("").Key("String").MustString("default")
v = cfg.Section("").Key("BOOL").MustBool(true)
v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").MustFloat64(1.25)
v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").MustInt(10)
v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").MustInt64(99)
v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").MustUint(3)
v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").MustUint64(6)
v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now())
v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").MustTime(time.Now()) // RFC3339
What if my value is three-line long?
ADDRESS = """404 road,
NotFound, State, 5000
Not a problem!
/* --- start ---
404 road,
NotFound, State, 5000
------ end --- */
That’s cool, how about continuation lines?
two_lines = how about \
continuation lines?
lots_of_lines = 1 \
2 \
3 \
Piece of cake!
cfg.Section("advance").Key("two_lines").String() // how about continuation lines?
cfg.Section("advance").Key("lots_of_lines").String() // 1 2 3 4
Well, I hate continuation lines, how do I disable that?
cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
IgnoreContinuation: true,
}, "filename")
Holy crap!
Note that single quotes around values will be stripped:
foo = "some value" // foo: some value
bar = 'some value' // bar: some value
Sometimes you downloaded file from Crowdin has values like the following (value is surrounded by double quotes and quotes in the value are escaped):
create_repo="created repository <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
How do you transform this to regular format automatically?
cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{UnescapeValueDoubleQuotes: true}, "en-US.ini"))
cfg.Section("<name of your section>").Key("create_repo").String()
// You got: created repository <a href="%s">%s</a>
That’s all? Hmm, no.
Helper methods of working with values
To get value with given candidates:
v = cfg.Section("").Key("STRING").In("default", []string{"str", "arr", "types"})
v = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").InFloat64(1.1, []float64{1.25, 2.5, 3.75})
v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").InInt(5, []int{10, 20, 30})
v = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").InInt64(10, []int64{10, 20, 30})
v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").InUint(4, []int{3, 6, 9})
v = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").InUint64(8, []int64{3, 6, 9})
v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").InTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now(), []time.Time{time1, time2, time3})
v = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").InTime(time.Now(), []time.Time{time1, time2, time3}) // RFC3339
Default value will be presented if value of key is not in candidates you given, and default value does not need be one of candidates.
To validate value in a given range:
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64").RangeFloat64(0.0, 1.1, 2.2)
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT").RangeInt(0, 10, 20)
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64").RangeInt64(0, 10, 20)
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT").RangeUint(0, 3, 9)
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64").RangeUint64(0, 3, 9)
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTimeFormat(time.RFC3339, time.Now(), minTime, maxTime)
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIME").RangeTime(time.Now(), minTime, maxTime) // RFC3339
Auto-split values into a slice
To use zero value of type for invalid inputs:
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0]
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("STRINGS").Strings(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").Float64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").Ints(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").Int64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").Uints(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").Uint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").Times(",")
To exclude invalid values out of result slice:
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> [2.2]
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").ValidFloat64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").ValidInts(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").ValidInt64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").ValidUints(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").ValidUint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").ValidTimes(",")
Or to return nothing but error when have invalid inputs:
// Input: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4 -> [1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4]
// Input: how, 2.2, are, you -> error
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("FLOAT64S").StrictFloat64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INTS").StrictInts(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("INT64S").StrictInt64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINTS").StrictUints(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("UINT64S").StrictUint64s(",")
vals = cfg.Section("").Key("TIMES").StrictTimes(",")
Recursive Values
For all value of keys, there is a special syntax %(<name>)s
, where <name>
is the key name in same section or default section, and %(<name>)s
will be replaced by corresponding value(empty string if key not found). You can use this syntax at most 99 level of recursions.
NAME = ini
NAME = Unknwon
cfg.Section("author").Key("GITHUB").String() //
cfg.Section("package").Key("FULL_NAME").String() //
Python Multiline values
In case, you migrate service from Python and has some legacy configurations, don’t panic!
cfg, err := ini.LoadSources(ini.LoadOptions{
AllowPythonMultilineValues: true,
}, []byte(`
long_rsa_private_key = -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----