Testing with feature flags


Testing with feature flags

要在启用了功能标志的情况下运行特定的测试,可以使用QA::Runtime::Feature类来启用和禁用功能标志( 通过 API ).

请注意,更改功能标志需要管理员授权. 只要您通过GITLAB_QA_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN (推荐)提供适当的访问令牌,或者提供GITLAB_ADMIN_USERNAMEGITLAB_ADMIN_PASSWORDQA::Runtime::Feature将自动以管理员身份进行身份验证.


  1. RSpec.describe "with feature flag enabled", :requires_admin do
  2. before do
  3. Runtime::Feature.enable('feature_flag_name')
  4. end
  5. it "feature flag test" do
  6. # Execute a test with a feature flag enabled
  7. end
  8. after do
  9. Runtime::Feature.disable('feature_flag_name')
  10. end
  11. end

Running a scenario with a feature flag enabled


有关详细信息,请参见质量检查自述文件 .