Testing standards and style guidelines
- Overview
- Testing levels
- Testing best practices
- Frontend testing standards and style guidelines
- Flaky tests
- GitLab tests in the Continuous Integration (CI) context
- Review apps
- Testing Rake tasks
- End-to-end tests
- Migrations tests
Testing standards and style guidelines
本文档介绍了自动测试 GitLab 项目的各种指南和最佳实践.
它是对Thoughtbot 测试风格指南的扩展 . 如果本指南定义的规则与 Thoughtbot 指南相抵触,则以本指南为准. 可能会逐字重复某些准则以强调其重要性.
GitLab 建立在Ruby on Rails之上,并且我们将RSpec用于所有后端测试,而Capybara用于端到端集成测试. 在前端,我们将Jest和Karma / Jasmine用于 JavaScript 单元和集成测试.
- 五因素测试 :为什么我们需要测试?
- 自动化测试的原则:测试级别. 确定测试的优先级. 测试费用.
Testing levels
Learn about the different testing levels, and how to decide at what level your changes should be tested.
Testing best practices
Frontend testing standards and style guidelines
Flaky tests
GitLab tests in the Continuous Integration (CI) context
GitLab 测试套件如何在 CI 上下文中运行:设置,缓存,工件,并行化,监视.
Review apps
如何为 GitLab CE / EE 设置评论应用程序以及如何使用它们.
Testing Rake tasks
您应该了解的有关如何测试 Rake 任务的所有知识.
End-to-end tests
您应该了解有关如何使用GitLab QA测试框架进行端到端测试的所有知识.
Migrations tests