Debian Package Registry

Publish Debian packages for your user or organization.


To work with the Debian registry, you need to use a HTTP client like curl to upload and a package manager like apt to consume packages.

The following examples use apt.

Configuring the package registry

To register the Debian registry add the url to the list of known apt sources:

  1. echo "deb{owner}/debian {distribution} {component}" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitea.list
ownerThe owner of the package.
distributionThe distribution to use.
componentThe component to use.

If the registry is private, provide credentials in the url. You can use a password or a personal access token:

  1. echo "deb https://{username}:{your_password_or_token}{owner}/debian {distribution} {component}" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitea.list

The Debian registry files are signed with a PGP key which must be known to apt:

  1. sudo curl{owner}/debian/repository.key -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/gitea-{owner}.asc

Afterwards update the local package index:

  1. apt update

Publish a package

To publish a Debian package (*.deb), perform a HTTP PUT operation with the package content in the request body.

  1. PUT{owner}/debian/pool/{distribution}/{component}/upload
ownerThe owner of the package.
distributionThe distribution may match the release name of the OS, ex: bionic.
componentThe component can be used to group packages or just main or similar.

Example request using HTTP Basic authentication:

  1. curl --user your_username:your_password_or_token \
  2. --upload-file path/to/file.deb \

If you are using 2FA or OAuth use a personal access token instead of the password. You cannot publish a file with the same name twice to a package. You must delete the existing package version first.

The server responds with the following HTTP Status codes.

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
201 CreatedThe package has been published.
400 Bad RequestThe package name, version, distribution, component or architecture are invalid.
409 ConflictA package file with the same combination of parameters exists already.

Delete a package

To delete a Debian package perform a HTTP DELETE operation. This will delete the package version too if there is no file left.

  1. DELETE{owner}/debian/pool/{distribution}/{component}/{package_name}/{package_version}/{architecture}
ownerThe owner of the package.
package_nameThe package name.
package_versionThe package version.
distributionThe package distribution.
componentThe package component.
architectureThe package architecture.

Example request using HTTP Basic authentication:

  1. curl --user your_username:your_token_or_password -X DELETE \

The server responds with the following HTTP Status codes.

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
204 No ContentSuccess
404 Not FoundThe package or file was not found.

Install a package

To install a package from the Debian registry, execute the following commands:

  1. # use latest version
  2. apt install {package_name}
  3. # use specific version
  4. apt install {package_name}={package_version}