Reports are created in the system using the Ingest API. There are two endpoints for ingesting raw JSON report data into the system:

  1. POST /api/ingest

This endpoint automatically creates a new project, ingests a report and assigns it to the project.

  1. POST /api/projects/:id/ingest

Alternatively we can manually create a project ahead of time and then ingest reports specifically for an existing project using this endoint.


  1. ghz -insecure \
  2. -proto ./greeter.proto \
  3. -call helloworld.Greeter.SayHello \
  4. -d '{"name": "Bob"}' \
  5. -tags '{"env": "staging", "created by":"Joe Developer"}' \
  6. -name 'Greeter SayHello' \
  7. -O json \
  8. | http POST localhost:3000/api/projects/34/ingest