Sample standard output of summary of the results:
Count: 200
Total: 181.57 ms
Slowest: 69.60 ms
Fastest: 26.09 ms
Average: 32.01 ms
Requests/sec: 1101.53
Response time histogram:
26.093 [1] |∎
30.444 [52] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
34.794 [78] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
39.145 [40] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
43.495 [1] |∎
47.846 [0] |
52.196 [2] |∎
56.547 [5] |∎∎∎
60.897 [3] |∎∎
65.248 [2] |∎
69.598 [2] |∎
Latency distribution:
10% in 28.48 ms
25% in 30.08 ms
50% in 33.23 ms
75% in 35.43 ms
90% in 38.89 ms
95% in 55.45 ms
99% in 69.60 ms
Status code distribution:
[Unavailable] 3 responses
[PermissionDenied] 3 responses
[OK] 186 responses
[Internal] 8 responses
Error distribution:
[8] rpc error: code = Internal desc = Internal error.
[3] rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = Permission denied.
[3] rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Service unavialable.
Explanation of the summary:
- The total number of completed requests including successful and failed requests.total
- The total time spent running the test withinghz
from start to finish. This is a single measurement from start of the test run to the completion of the final request of the test run.slowest
- The measurement of the slowest request.fastest
- The measurement of the fastest request.average
- The mathematical average computed by taking the sum of the individual response times of all requests and dividing it by the total number of requests.requests/sec
- Theoretical computed RPS computed by taking the total number of requests (successful and failed) and dividing it by the total duration of the test. That is:count
With regard to measurement, we use WithStatsHandler option to capture call metrics. Specifically we only capture the End event which contains stats when an RPC ends. This should include the download of the payload and deserializing of the data.
Alternatively with -O csv
flag we can get detailed listing in csv format:
duration (ms),status,error
HTML output can be generated using html
as format in the -O
option. Sample HTML output.
Using -O json
outputs JSON data, and -O pretty
outputs JSON in pretty format. Sample pretty JSON output.
Using -O prometheus
outputs the summary data as Prometheus text exposition format . Sample Prometheus output.
InfluxDB Line Protocol
Using -O influx-summary
outputs the summary data as InfluxDB Line Protocol. Sample output:
ghz_run,name="Greeter\ SayHello",proto="./greeter.proto",call="helloworld.Greeter.SayHello",host="",n=200,c=50,rps=0,z=0,timeout=20,dial_timeout=10,keepalive=0,data="{\"name\":\"Bob\ Smith\"}",metadata="",tags="{\"created\ by\":\"Joe\ Developer\"\,\"env\":\"staging\"}",errors=0,has_errors=false count=200,total=214737065,average=37806598,fastest=25759157,slowest=77504712,rps=931.37,median=36947515,p95=47421426,errors=0 1548107303068421000
Use -O influx-details
to get the individual details for each request:
ghz_detail,name="Greeter\ SayHello",proto="./greeter.proto",call="helloworld.Greeter.SayHello",host="",n=200,c=50,rps=0,z=0,timeout=20,dial_timeout=10,keepalive=0,data="{\"name\":\"Bob\ Smith\"}",metadata="",tags="{\"created\ by\":\"Joe\ Developer\"\,\"env\":\"staging\"}",hasError=false latency=79044469,error="",status="OK" 1548107176979991000
ghz_detail,name="Greeter\ SayHello",proto="./greeter.proto",call="helloworld.Greeter.SayHello",host="",n=200,c=50,rps=0,z=0,timeout=20,dial_timeout=10,keepalive=0,data="{\"name\":\"Bob\ Smith\"}",metadata="",tags="{\"created\ by\":\"Joe\ Developer\"\,\"env\":\"staging\"}",hasError=false latency=43011582,error="",status="OK" 1548107177023123000